Visualizing Microbial Seascapes - Spring

Monograph Project


Transformers, more than Nauplii

Any creature that undergoes a metamorphosis during its lifetime, a complete restructuring of itself and its functions, belong in this category. Biodiversity and biological productivity are enabled, and limited by evolution and natural selection. Evolution is the change in living organisms alleles, over generations, constituting the classification of new species. Species evolve to fit a niche in which they can thrive. In natural selection the clever and the strong survive.
Nauplii is a catch-all term for crustacean larva of all varieties. Because of dangerous benthic conditions, and suitable light and nutrients in the water column, Crustaceans have adapted their larva to be planktonic. As zooplankton, Nauplii get all the light and nutrients they need to grow and morph into crustacean like barnacles and crabs.
Nauplii are not the only organism that undergoes metamorphosis. Tininnids do as well, they constantly transform their rigid glass shell. The shell is called loricae, and they twirling like a beautiful sundress.

Balanus glandula

    Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ArthropodaClass: MaxillopodaOrder: SessiliaFamily: BalanidaeGenus: BalanusSpecies: Glandula Description: Barnacle larvae, as with the myriad of other crustacean larva are often referred to as Nauplii. Found in the water column, they are translucent, usually with six visible appendages,… Continue Reading →


Tintinnids (Favella sp.)

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