Visualizing Microbial Seascapes - Spring

Monograph Project


Don’t Eat Me 2!

Don’t eat me! Copepods and Protoperidinium are two organisms that play both roles of predator and prey depending on size and species. These zooplankton are known as picky eaters; both have adapted starvation periods when food sources are low. This category addresses s the relationship between the two as predator and prey, as well as their feeding behaviors and how they can work together to regulate the phytoplankton communities. The question is can they work together to maintain phytoplankton, or will the fight for survival continue?

Acartia tonsa

Acartia tonsa Common name: Copepod By A. Gaul

Acartia tonsa

Acartia tonsa written by Mika Laird Order: Calanoida Family: Acartiidae Genus: Acartia Species: Acartia tonsa Acartia tonsa are calenoid copepods most commonly found in coastal regions such as estuaries and brackish waters. They are found in cold and warm waters… Continue Reading →


The copepod is a microscopic organism that has a major impact on the development of marine life. The copepod belong to the zooplankton family. They are small measuring .5 to 15mm. They are a small crustacean with bodies covered in… Continue Reading →


Protoperidinium  Common Name: Whirl Round By: Mishauna Watkinson 

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