Areas of Study in Geography and Native Studies

Intersections of racial/ethnic nationhood, natural resources, militarism:
Native American and Indigenous Studies, Global ethnic conflict and nationalism, Settler colonialism and Indigenous decolonization, U.S. interracial relations, Indigenous-settler relations, Racist/white supremacist and anti-racist movements, Social movements, Crosscultural populist alliances, Environmental Justice and Climate Justice, Maps and historical cartography, Geopolitics and globalization, Military interventions and military basesC.V. / Resumé.

CONTACT: grossmaz@evergreen.edu

Published Books   

Unlikely Alliances: Native Nations and White Communities Join to Defend Rural LandsForeword by Winona LaDuke (University of Washington Press / Indigenous Confluences series, 2017). Interview & video.

Asserting Native Resilience: Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Face the Climate Crisis, edited by Zoltan Grossman & Alan Parker; Foreword by Billy Frank Jr. (Oregon State University Press, 2012). Video. Royalties for both books donated to Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples.

Wisconsin’s Past and Present: A Historical Atlas, by the Wisconsin Cartographers’ Guild; Foreword by William Cronon (University of Wisconsin Press, 1998, 2nd. ed. 2002).

Geography & Native Studies,
The Evergreen State College


Student-Originated Studies (SOS): Community Mutual Aid and Disaster Resilience, (Winter 2025), internships with Center for Community-Based Learning & Action (CCBLA)

Introduction to Environmental Studies (IES): Indigenous Natural Resource Management on the Pacific Rim (Fall 2024) with Amy Cook

Decolonizing Place Names (Spring 2024) in collaboration with the Puyallup Tribe Heritage Division.  Article.

Introduction to Environmental Studies: Oceans, Climate Change, and Northwest Coastal Tribes (Fall 2023) with Gerardo Chin-Leo 

Reclaiming the Commons: Black, White, and Indigenous Peoples Reconstructing Community (Spring 2023) with Prita Lal  

Taking Back Empire: Political Economy, Militarism, and Decolonial Movements (Fall 2022Winter 2023) with Savvina Chowdhury. Olympia’s Hidden Histories (self-guided StoryMaps walking tours on Port of Olympia connections to global trade, militarization, and fossil fuels).

American Frontiers: Homelands and Borderlands (Fall 2021Winter 2022) with Kristina Ackley, in collaboration with the Squaxin Island Tribe to publish Olympia’s Hidden Histories (self-guided StoryMaps walking tours of Indigenous, Chinese, oyster / timber, and dam / estuary past and present).

Conceptualizing Place: Pacific Northwest Native Art and Geographies (Fall 2020Winter 2021) with Alexander McCarty. Students published Removing Barriers: Restoring Salmon Watersheds through Tribal Alliances (132-page online book on dam, dike, and culvert removal in Northwest watersheds, with original student artwork and maps). Video (49 min) & Video (20 min.)

American Frontiers: Homelands and Borderlands (Spring 2020) with María Isabel Morales

Catastrophe: Community Resilience in the Face of Disaster (Winter 2020) with Suree Towfighnia

Student-Originated Studies (SOS): Community Resilience (Fall 2019) internships with Center for Community-Based Learning & Action (CCBLA)

A People’s Geography of American Empire (Fall 2018Winter 2019) Basewatch student research website on western WA military bases; Sabbatical in New Mexico & New Zealand (Spring 2019)

Aotearoa New Zealand: Native Decolonization in the Pacific Rimwith Kristina Ackley (Fall 2017Winter 2018Spring 2018), Class trip to Aotearoa, Feb.-April 2018: Photos & Videos

Catastrophe: Community Resilience in the Face of Disaster
with Shangrila Joshi & Kristina Ackley (Spring 2017); 2nd Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium

Commodities, Conflict, and Cooperation with Savvina Chowdhury & Sarah Williams (Fall 2016Winter 2017), CCC student research website

Hawai’i Research Sabbatical (Spring 2016)

Resource Rebels: Environmental Justice Movements Building Hope with Karen Gaul (Fall 2015Winter 2016), Fossil Fuel Connections website, 1st Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium, Grays Harbor economic options report & article (in collaboration with the Quinault Indian Nation)

Native Decolonization in the Pacific Rim: From the Northwest to New Zealand with Kristina Ackley (Fall 2014Winter 2015Spring 2015Class trip to Aotearoa Feb.-April, 2015: Photos & Videos, Study Tour & Student Research Report

American Frontiers, Homelands, and Empire
with Kristina Ackley (Fall 2013Winter 2014 & Spring 2014)   Witnessing Boldt + 40

Making Effective Change: Social Movement Organizing and Activism with Anthony Zaragoza & Lin Nelson (Fall 2012 scheduleWinter 2013 schedule, Spring 2013 schedule), Social Movements Directory, Media Options Directory

Student-Originated Studies (SOS): Revitalizing Community Spring 2012 internships with Center for Community-Based Learning & Action (CCBLA), in collaboration with the Squaxin Island TribeNative Cultural Respect Guidelines

Blood and Borders: Tradition & Transformation in Central Europe with Pat Krafcik, Rob Smurr, Marta Botikova (Fall 2011Winter 2012)

A People’s Geography of American Empire with Larry Mosqueda (Spring 2011)

Native Decolonization in the Pacific Rim: From the Northwest to New Zealand with Kristina Ackley (Fall 2010Winter 2011), Class trip to Aotearoa, Jan.- Feb., 2011: Study Tour & Student Research Report

American Frontiers: Homelands and Empire with Kristina Ackley (Fall 2009Winter 2010Spring 2010)

Food, Place and Culture with Martha Rosemeyer (Spring 2009)

Conceptualizing Native Place with Lara Evans (Fall 2008Winter 2009), Nisqually Watershed Podcasts

Colonialism and Decolonization with Zahid Shariff (Spring 2008)

Native Decolonization in the Pacific Rim Zoltán Grossman (Winter 2008); with Frances Rains (Fall 2007)

A People’s Geography of American Empire with Larry Mosqueda (Spring 2007)

Political Economy and Social Movements with Pete Bohmer and Anthony  Zaragoza (Fall 2006Winter 2007)

Climate Change and Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Project of the Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute; Graduate research project with Alan Parker (Summer 2006), Project report & Article

Anti-Indian Movements: Origins, Images, and Responses with Kristina Ackley (Spring 2006)

American Frontiers: Critical Histories with Kristina Ackley and Michael Pfeifer (Fall 2005Winter 2006)

Academic Research & Service

Ph.D. in Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2002), with Minor in American Indian Studies Program (graduate advisor William Cronon; supported by fellowships from the Udall Foundation and U.W. Foundation).

Doctoral dissertation on “Unlikely Alliances: Treaty Conflicts & Environmental Cooperation Between Native American and Rural White Communities,” studied alliances of tribes and local farmers, ranchers, and fishers in the West and Midwest (using a common “place membership” to build cooperation).

Co-Chair of the Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group (IPSG) of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), 2008-10; Co-recipient of 2014 AAG Enhancing Diversity Award.

IPSG Document on Indigenous Research Ethics Protocols 
Bowman Expeditions / México Indígena controversy
Geography brochure for Native students

Member, Native American & Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA).

Senior Research Associate, Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute (NIARI, 2006-12)

Co-founder, Climate Change and Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Project, 2006, co-organizer of Indigenous Climate Justice Symposiums in 2015, 2017.

Presented on educational workshops and panels.

Master of Environmental Studies Theses
Climate Change at Quileute and Hoh (Chelsie Papiez)
Freshwater Storage in the Snohomish Basin (Nahal Ghoghaie)
Incorporating Tribal Interests in Marine Protected Areas (Otis Bush)
“Whiteness as Property” in the Puyallup Estuary
(Amory Ballantine)

Undergraduate Research Examples
Evergreen Indigenous Geography / Climate Projects (list), (presentation)
Olympia’s Hidden Histories (American Frontiers self-guided StoryMaps tours).
Removing Barriers (Conceptualizing Place online book on dam, dike, and culvert removal in Northwest salmon watersheds, with original student artwork / maps).
Basewatch (A People’s Geography of American Empire website of western WA bases)
Fossil Fuel Connections (Resource Rebels website)
Economic Options for Grays Harbor (Resource Rebels report) & article
Commodities, Conflict, and Cooperation (CCC students website)
Nisqually Watershed Podcasts (Conceptualizing Native Place)
New Zealand Study Abroad 2011, 2015 (Native Decolonization reports)
Spatial Reclamation Project (Christina Shimizu / Collin Smith)
Solutions to Global Warming (Gar Lipow)
ASARCO Project (Alex Becker)

Geography & American Indian Studies,
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Assistant Professor of Geography and American Indian Studies,
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Courses & lecture links in Wisconsin: 
Native Geographies
(nations & countermapping links)
Human Geography & Globalization
Geography of Russia & Eastern Europe (map links)
International Environmental Problems & Policy
(Class website projects : Water privatization, Iraq & Our Energy Future, Tsunami, Caspian Basin Alert)

Faculty/Student Research Collaboration in Wisconsin:
Somali Immigrants in Small Midwestern Communities
Native American Sustainable Agriculture in Wisconsin
Interethnic Relations among Wisconsin Neighbors

Professional Cartography

Professional cartographer and map editor since 1987.
Lecturer on Map Reading and Interpretation, U.W.-Madison (2000-02).
Map editor at Mapping Specialists, Ltd., Madison WI (1987-96)
Calvin Trillin column.

Chief editor of Wisconsin’s Past and Present: A Historical Atlas (U.W. Press, 1998), and Mapping Wisconsin History (State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 2000), by the Wisconsin Cartographers’ Guild.
Sample: Wisconsin Labor & Progressive Histories
Master’s Thesis on development of the Atlas (1998).

Maps published in numerous books and journals. NW Fossil Fuel Ports map.

Community Service

Co-founder of Midwest Treaty Network to support WI Ojibwe spearfishers attacked for exercising their treaty rights, and then to bring together the tribes and white sportfishing groups to protect the fish from mining projects such as the Crandon mine, 1989-2005.
Active in Black Hills Alliance against uranium mining in SD, 1978-80.
Support for Standing Rock blockade of ND oil pipeline, 2016.

Board member of GI Voice & its Coffee Strong resource center by Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA, 2008-14.

OTHER education & organizing around Native, environmental, peace and social justice issues. Hosted radio talk shows.

Selected articles & presentations on Indigenous / Environmental Justice / U.S. Racism

Articles & chapters:
Unlikely Alliances & interview  
The Resilience Doctrine: Disaster Collectivism in the
Climate & Pandemic Crises

George Floyd Rebellion & Defunding Police & War  & Militias
Cowboy Indian Alliances & History
Cross-cultural Populism
Idle No More & Unlikely Alliances & Standing Rock
Fascism Denial & coup attempt
Coronavirus pandemic
Another Side of the Evergreen State College Story
Climate Change and Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations
Indigenous Nations’ Responses to Climate Change
Native Renaissance of Washington’s Tribal Nations
Native Cultural Respect Guidelines
Pacific Northwest Fossil Fuel Wars
Ports: Achilles Heel of the Fossil Fuels Monster
 & map
Oil drilling opposition in New Zealand
Decolonizing Landscapes
When Hate Groups Come to Town: Anti-Indian Organizing
Native and Environmental Movements
Native/non-Native Alliances Against Mining Companies
Crandon Mine Victory Won by a Historic Alliance
Wisconsin treaty rights conflict
From Enemies to Allies
Environmental Justice & White Racial Advantages
Native American “Invasion” of Europe
Grassroots Organizing in the New Corporate Era
Blue Line March marks Olympia climate change shoreline

Presentations (use with attribution):
The Resilience Doctrine: Disaster Cooperativism in the Climate & Pandemic Crises: Part 1 & Part 2
Unlikely Alliances (& video)
Intersections between Indigenous & Immigrant Geographies
Fascist Movements
Reindigenizing Place Names
Native Environmental Justice
Climate Change and Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations (& video)
Climate disaster cooperativism, parts 1 & 2 (& video)
Maori marae hospitality & disaster planning
What is the Anthropocene (video) 
Colonial & Community Solutions to the Climate Crisis
Shipping: The Achilles Heel of the Fossil Fuel Monster
Revitalizing Native Traditions
Sacred Site Protection
Removal Reversed
Anti-Indianism & Anti-Semitism
Relations between Left & Indigenous Movements
Manifest Destiny & Overseas Imperialism
Nisqually Nation and Fort Lewis
Indigenous Cartographies & Countermapping

MORE Books, chapters, reviews / Articles on Indigenous, environmental, U.S. racism issues / Articles on peace, antiwar, global issues / Presentations, interviews

Selected articles & presentations on Global Peace, Interethnic Relations, & Geopolitics

Recent articles:
U.S. Military Interventions from Wounded Knee to Yemen

Kristallnacht, “civil war,” and mass deportation
Troops at Home & Defunding Police & War
Ukraine & Far Right & War & Partition & Belarus
Iran Crisis & Afghan Crisis
New U.S. Military Bases as Causes of War (& quotes, map, video)
War at Home Meets the Wars Abroad
Refugee Crisis in Hungary and my Father During WWII
Hungarian Model for Trump

The Global War on Tribes
Biochemical Weapons History War in Syria
War in Syria & Kosovo Precedent for Syria?
Rise of the Planet of the People
Libya for the Libyans
Why Kosovo but not Palestine?
Afghanistan: Roach Motel of Empires
Problems with “Humanitarian Interventions”
“Korea Model” for an Endless Occupation of Iraq
The Peace Movement and the Military Community
U.S. Antiwar Movement Activism and Organizing
History of Military Resistance GI coffeehouse
Remember the ’80s social movements
Khuzestan: First Front in the War on Iran? (& map)
New Challenges for the Peace Movement
Occupation Fails to Capture Iraqis’ Loyalty, Prevent Civil War
The Perils of Occupation: Easier the Victory, Harder the Peace
The Next Stage: A New War Against Saddam’s Opponents
Dispatch from Main Street: Hearts & Minds in the Heartland
“Spam Scam” from George W. Bush (in New York Times)
Anti-nuclear movements in USSR & Philippines
Uranium wars and nuclear weapons in Africa
Wisconsin RebellionSinging
Real Fascists in Our Midst
Port Protests in Olympia (Photos & discussion)

Past articles: IraqAfghanistanPhilippines, Bosnia, KosovoE.U. enlargement, Caucasus, CanadaSomalia, Sarajevo & L.A., SuperpowersPlace names (Calvin Trillin column)

Presentations (use with attribution):
Historical Geography of Ukraine (Borderland) video
Global Network of U.S. Military Bases (& video)
History of U.S. Military Interventions
Fascist movements
Global War on Tribes
Panama Canal Zone bases
The U.S. Antiwar Movement Port protests
Manifest Destiny & Overseas Imperialism
A People’s Geography of American Empire
Afghanistan: Roach Motel of Empires
Pomegranates and Grenadespoem
The Wars in Iraq A War with Iran in Khuzestan?
Global Geopolitics
Somali Immigrants in the Rural Midwest
Nationalism in Eastern Europe & ex-USSR & Ukraine
Environmental issues in former Soviet bloc
Environmental effects of warfare & nuclear power

MORE Books, chapters, reviews / Articles on Indigenous, environmental, U.S. racism issues / Articles on peace, antiwar, global issues / Presentations, interviews


Facebook photo albums
Favorite people, musicians, places.
George S. Grossman (1938-2018)
My YouTube videos & favorites
Links on geography, mapping, globalization, environment
Letter to Midwestern friends & family (with Washington photos)

Evergreen links

The Evergreen State College
United Faculty of Evergreen

Native American Studies programs

Native American and Indigenous Programs

Longhouse Education and Cultural Center

Native Pathways Program
Master of Public Administration – Tribal Governance