Community Service



Coordination group for Evergreen’s Climate Justice and Resilience Speaker and Event Series


Organizing committee for Evergreen forum on “What Lies Ahead After the Election: A Forum with Community Organizers

Board Member (2020-22) of The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, Olympia WA.  Geographer’s Statement on the Defacing of the Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural.

Organizing committee for Economics for Everyone Online Forum on “Building Anti-Racist Movements in a Time of Crises.”

Public comments to Olympia City Council on armed far-right militias.

Organizing committee for Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace’s Olympia Rally for No War With Iran, including Intervention HeadstonesPhoto of rally.


Visiting Scholar at University of New Mexico Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.

Coordinator of “Oceania Rising: Peace Pivot to the Pacific” speaking tour of Okinawa, Guam, Hawai’i community organizers to the Pacific Northwest. Video of Seattle presentations (94 min.)


Member of Staff and Faculty Acting for Equity, The Evergreen State College.

Planning Committee for Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium, The Evergreen State College Longhouse


Support for Standing Rock blockade of Dakota Access oil pipeline.

Spring sabbatical research on U.S. military bases and occupation of Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) lands. Visiting Scholar at University of Hawai’i-Mānoa Department of Geography.

Developed website with students from Evergreen’s Resource Rebels program.

Resource Rebels partnership with Quinault Indian Nation for report on economic alternatives to oil terminals in Grays Harbor WA.


Planning Committee for Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium, The Evergreen State College Longhouse


Recipient of Association of American Geographers’ (AAG) Enhancing Diversity Award, along with four colleagues in the AAG Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group.

Supporting Citizens for a Clean Harbor opposing oil terminals in Grays Harbor (Aberdeen/Hoquiam).  Testimony to EIS scoping hearings. Map of fossil fuel ports


Active in Olympia Confronting the Climate Crisis project of the Fellowship of Reconciliation,  opposing the complicity of Washington ports (including Olympia) with the fossil fuel industry. Op-ed in The Olympian about oil fracking proppants shipped through Port of Olympia.

Conference organizer for Weaving Indigenous and Sustainability Sciences: Diversifying our Methods (WIS2DOM) Workshop, Evergreen Longhouse, and Nisqually Tribe Field Tour. Report to NSF


Volunteer for Tribal Canoe Journey preparations at Squaxin Island Tribe, as part of the Revitalizing Community program,  The Evergreen State College, using  “Guidelines for Working with Native Communities”


Member of Name Change Committee at The Evergreen State College. Submitted successful joint Geographic Name Application of Evergreen and Squaxin Island Tribe to U.S. Bureau of Geographic Names to change “Sq- – – Point” to Bushoowah-ahlee Point.

Coordinating Committee member for Militarism Watch, a project of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, to research U.S. militarization and build researcher skills and networks.


Advisory board member for Center for CommunityBased Learning and Action (CCBLA) at The Evergreen State College, Olympia (to present).


Civilian member of the Board of Directors of G.I. Voice project, which set up the “Coffee Strong” G.I. coffeehouse resource center for soldiers by Fort Lewis, Lakewood, Wash. (to 2014)

Organizer for Blue Line March to mark climate change shoreline of downtown Olympia after sea-level rise.


Co-Chair of the Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), 2008-10.

Attended the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 7th Session (focusing on climate change), as an Observer from the International Geographical Union (IGU) Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledges and Rights Commission, at UN Headquarters, New York.

Organizing committee member for Focus the Nation climate change community forum, The Evergreen State College.


Organizing Committee member for the national Citizens Hearing on the Legality of U.S. Actions in Iraq 

Senior Associate, Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute (NIARI), The Evergreen State College


Active in Friends & Family of Lt. Ehren Watada, supporting the first military officer to refuse deployment to Iraq.

Associate (nonveteran) Member of Veterans for Peace–Rachel Corrie Chapter 109.

Co-founded Climate Change and Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Project, The Evergreen State College.


Active in Olympia Movement for Justice & Peace (OMJP), Washington


Programming Committee chair of WHYS Community Radio 96.3 FM, Eau Claire, Wis.


Honored by Mole Lake Sokaogon Chippewa Community for role in Crandon mine victory in northeastern Wisconsin.

Faculty advisor to University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire campus chapter of Amnesty International.

Member of Eau Claire Staff and Faculty for Peace and Justice


Participated in proposing the Wolf River Headwaters Protection Purchase, for a public acquisition of the Crandon mine site in northeastern Wisconsin.


Trainer for “Safe From Hatred” witness program for local Muslim community after 9/11 (Madison, Wis.).

Excellence in Media Award (Concerned Citizens of Newport, in Columbia Co., Wis.).

Co-organizer of Citizens’ Assembly for a democratic and sustainable future in Wisconsin.


Coalition Building and Mobilization Award (Mining Impact Coalition, Milwaukee).

Participant in “Walk to Remember” journey around Lake Superior.


Hilary J. Waukau Environmental Excellence Award (Menominee Indian Tribe, Wis.).

Stewardship Award for Citizen Achievement (Wisconsin Stewardship Network).


Regular host of “A Public Affair” WORT call-in radio program, Madison, Wis.


Co-founder of Wolf Watershed Educational Project to protect NE Wisconsin’s Wolf River.


Attended the Indigenous Environmental Network‘s annual Protecting Mother Earth Conferences inWisconsin, Alaska, North Carolina, Montana, New Mexico, and Nevada


Co-coordinator of Protect The Earth Gatherings on the Lac du Flambeau Reservation, Wis. in 1993,and on the Mole Lake Reservation, Wis. (co-sponsored in 1994 with the Indigenous Environmental Network).


Peace and Dignity Journey runner in Wisconsin and Mexico.


Co-founder and Board of Directors member of Midwest Treaty Network .


Trained Witnesses for Nonviolence for spearfishing crisis monitoring at Lac du Flambeau Reservation, Wis.Co-founder of Madison Treaty Rights Support Group.


National Associate Director of the Committee Against Registration and the Draft(CARD), edited Anti-Draft newsletter (Madison).


Chief Editor, Wisconsin Commonwealth newspaper of the Labor-Farm Party of Wisconsin.


Visited Philippine environmental and indigenous groups as free-lance journalist.


Board of Directors for Stop Project ELF, Wisconsin.


Co-founder of Wisconsin Action Group for Environmental Responsibility.


Member of Native American Solidarity Committee and Black Hills Alliance, Minneapolis. Organizer for the Black Hills International Survival Gathering, Europe and South Dakota.


(“A Public Affair” call-in talk show on WORT-FM, Madison, 1996-2002)


Afghanistan/Pakistan (Tariq Ali, Ahmed Rashid, Robert Fisk, Tayyab Mahmud, Mustapha Pasha, Marc Herold)

India (Arundhati Roy)

Yugoslavia (Jasminka Udovicki, Bojana Mladenovic, Jeremy Scahill, Robert Fisk)

Colombia (Cecilia Zarate-Laun, Jack Laun, Atossa Soltani, Pat Reinsborough)

Middle East (Joel Beinin, Jennifer Loewenstein, Ali Abunimah, Mary Layoun, Ismael Abu-Saad)

Iraq (Rania Masri, Kathy Kelly, Erik Gustafsen)

Military interventions (Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, David Cortright, William Blum)

Poetry/music on September 11th attacks (reading with Liz DiNovella)

Chiapas, Mexico (Cecilia Rodriguez)

East Timor (Constancio Pinto and Matthew Jardine)

El Salvador (Maria Serrano)

Congo (Aliko Songolo)

Panama (Lamoine Werlein-Jaen)

Roma/Gypsies (Zoltán Bárány, Margaret Beissinger)

Biochemical warfare (Stephen Shalom)

Northern Ireland

Vieques, Puerto Rico




Land mines.

U.S. Society and Politics

Native American treaty rights (Walter Bresette, Linda Brown)

Indian mascots in schools (Barbara Munson)

White supremacist groups (Loretta Ross, Leonard Zeskind, Chip Berlet, Graeme Atkinson, Daniel Levitas, Devin Burghart, Jonathan Mazzocchi)

Indian gaming (Paul De Main);

Independent politics (Jim Hightower, Bernie Sanders, Joel Kovel, Tammy Baldwin, Ed Garvey, Jeff Peterson, John Nichols)

African American history (Noel Ignatiev, Eugene Parks, Clayborne Benson)

Immigration (Bill Piatt, Melanie Okamoto)

Supermax prisons (Amnesty International fact-finding delegation, Ruthie Gilmore).

White power music (Justin Massa).


Chernobyl/nuclear waste (Belarus Ambassador Serguei Martynov, Mary Olson);

Indigenous activism (Winona LaDuke, Tom Goldtooth, Chris Peters);

Genetic engineering (Ronnie Cummins, Michio Kaku, Judy Gobert, Will Fantle, Jack Kloppenburg, Marcy Darnovsky)

Environmental justice (Sheila Foster),

Population and environment (Asoka Bandarage)

Wisconsin mining issues (Chuck Sleeter, Al Gedicks, Fred Ackley, Ken Fish, Fran Van Zile)

Mad Deer disease (John Stauber)

Badger Munitions (Laura Olah, William Boulware)

Perrier springwater pumping (Hiroshi and Arlene Kanno)

Electrical transmission lines (Linda Ceylor, Tom Kreager)

Manitoba hydroelectric dams (Ernest Monias),

Low-level jet flights

Factory hog farms.