Articles: Indigenous, environmental, U.S. racism

Books:  Publications, chapters, reviews
Selected Articles: Indigenous, environmental, U.S. racism
Selected Articles: Peace, antiwar, global

2024  Walter Bresette recognized for protecting fish, building bridges, with Debra McNutt (Capital Times, Madison WI)

2021  The Resilience Doctrine: A Primer on Disaster Collectivism in the Climate and Pandemic Crises (Counterpunch, Feb. 2021).
Part 1: An Introduction to Disaster Resilience
Part 2: How Disasters Can Encourage Social Change
Part 3: Indigenous Nations Understand Disaster Resilience
Part 4: Mutual Aid in the Pandemic and Beyond
PDF of combined parts

2021 Denial of American Fascism Has Cost Us Dearly, on Common Dreams

2020 Why Far-Right Paramilitaries are Not Just “Vigilantes,” on Common Dreams, Counterpunch, Z. Translations: French, Portuguese

2020  10 Reasons Why Defunding Police Should Lead to Defunding War, with Medea Benjamin, on Salon, Common Dreams, Code Pink, Pressenza, Consortium News, Nation of Change, Dissident Voice, Peace Worker, World Beyond War, Intrepid Report. Translation: Chinese

2020 Deploying Federal Troops in a War at Home Would Make a Bad Situation Worse: A Partial History of Military Interventions in the U.S., on Counterpunch, Z

2020  Washing Our Hands of Trump and Powerlessness (about coronavirus pandemic), on Common Dreams, Z, Counterpunch. Translation: Italian

2020 Geographer’s Statement on the Defacing of the Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural (Olympia WA)

2019  Populist alliances of ‘cowboys and Indians’ are protecting rural lands, on The Conversation, reposted on AP, UPI, Raw Story, Intercontinental Cry, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Rapid City Journal, Houston Chronicle, and other publications.   Translations: Spanish, Turkish

2018  Trump Following Hungarian Model in Demonizing Refugees and Jews, on Counterpunch. Translation: Italian

2018  Fascism Denial Ignores Some Inconvenient Truths, on Z, Counterpunch.

2017  Olympia fracking train blockade hits again, on Z, Counterpunch.

2017  Another Side of The Evergreen State College Story, with Anne Fischel & Lin Nelson, on Huffington Post and The OlympianReport on 6/15 far-right rally.

2017  Fusing Identity and Class Politics in “Trumpland,” on CommonDreams, Counterpunch, Z, Portside

2016 Fossil Fuel Connections website by students in Resource Rebels class, The Evergreen State College.

2016  Public Servants or Corporate Security?: An Open Letter to Law Enforcement and National Guard in North Dakota, with Winona LaDuke & Col. Ann Wright (Ret.), on Indian Country Today,, Common Dreams, Counterpunch, Z, etc.

2016  Where are the Cowboys in the Standing Rock standoff?, on Counterpunch, Z,

2016  To Get to You, He Must Go Through Us (on Trump), Indian Country Today op-ed,

2016  Quinault Nation Builds Bridge to Stop Grays Harbor Oil Terminal, in Works in Progress

2014 The Cowboy Indian Alliance Rises to Protect Our Common Land and Water, on Common Dreams, Indianz, Native News Today, Z, Counterpunch, Portside (Interview by Winona LaDuke)

2014 “Decolonizing Landscapes: Unlikely Alliances Grow Resilience at the Grassroots,” in Weaving Indigenous and Sustainability Sciences: in Diversifying our Methods (WIS2DOM) Workshop Report to National Science Foundation (NSF), pp. 52-55.

2013 Unlikely Alliances: Idle No More and Building Bridges Through Native Sovereignty, on Z, Counterpunch, Unsettling America, Portside

2012 The Achilles Heel of the Fossil Fuels Monster in Works in Progress, South Sound Green Pages. Map of Fossil Fuel Ports. Interview: Black Sheep podcast (7/29/13). Port of Olympia ties to oil fracking, Op-ed in The Olympian (11/23).

2013 Remembering the Crandon Mine Revolt: How Native and white rural communities defended a common home in Forest County, Wisconsin

2012 No Longer the Miner’s Canary: Indigenous Nations’ Responses to Climate Change, on

2012 “Guidelines for Working with Native Communities,” used for Evergreen interns for Tribal Canoe Journey preparations

2010 Declaration of Key Questions about Research Ethics with Indigenous Communities. Co-authored with the Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers (AAG).

2010 The Native Renaissance of Washington’s Tribal Nations, Association of American Geographers (AAG) Newsletter (Nov.)

2008 “Indigenous Nations Responses to Climate Change” article in American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICRJ) Vol. 32, No. 3.

2005 “Unlikely Alliances: Treaty Conflicts and Environmental Cooperation Between Native American and Rural White Communities,” article in American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICRJ) Vol. 29, No. 4.

2004 “Fitting the ‘Rez’ Into Race.” Forum commentary for Past Place, newsletter of the Historical Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers (AAG).

2004 Letter to editor on Sawyer County WI hunter shootings and generalizations about Hmong citizens.

2004 Water is Life class website of Geography 378 (International Environmental Problems & Policy), University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

2004 “Class Websites Contribute to Global Environmental Awareness,” in Teaching with Technology Today (University of Wisconsin System magazine).

2003 “Crandon mine victory won by a historic alliance,” with Debra McNutt in the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram (Nov. 2), Wisconsin State Journal, Ojibwe Akiing, Earth First, and other websites and newspapers.

2003 “Indian-bashing: A new pastime in ‘tolerant’ Madison?” with Debra McNutt in Wisconsin State Journal (Dec. 29), Isthmus, American Jewish World.

2003 “Cowboy and Indian Alliances in the Northern Plains.” Agricultural History (Spring).

2002 “Effects of White Racial Advantages in Environmental Alliances,” on Wisconsin Ho-Chunk/farmer alliances against low-level jet flights, bombing range, and Perrier, at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Los Angeles; published in Wisconsin Geographer and Udall Foundation Collection of Essays.

2001 Wisconsin’s Native/non-Native anti-mining alliance, with Dr. Al Gedicks in Cultural Survival Quarterly.

2001 “From Enemies to Allies,” with Debra McNutt in ColorLines, and  Multiracial Formations: New Instruments for Social Change Gary Delgado, ed. (Oakland, Calif: Applied Research Center).

2001 “Hunters, animal rights activists share a common love: nature.” Wisconsin State Journal column (Apr. 7).

2001 “Place membership” in ethnic conflict management: the case of Native Americans and white ranchers/farmers, on rural environmental alliances in Oregon, Montana, and South Dakota, at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, New York.

2000 “Geographies of Inclusion: Interethnic Alliances for Environmental Protection,” on Wisconsin spearfishing and mining disputes, at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Pittsburgh. Winner of AAG American Indian Speciality Group student paper competition; published in The North American Geographer.

2000 Sustaining the Forest, the People, and the Spirit book review on Menominee forestry. Wisconsin Magazine of History.

2000 New Brunswick Mi’kmaq treaty fishing dispute: Lessons from Wisconsin. Toronto Globe and Mail (Sept. 14), with Andrew Gokee and Debra McNutt.

1999 “Kosovo, Apaches, and Ethnic Cleansing,” in The Circle (Minneapolis),, Synthesis/Regeneration.

1998 “Taking It to the Top: Grassroots Organizing in the New Corporate Era,” keynote to Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice (WNPJ), published by People’s News Service (Denmark).

1996 “Chippewa Blockade Acid Shipments,” on Bad River Ojibwe blockade of rail track to stop acid shipments to White Pine mine, in The Progressive (Madison).

1995 “Native and Environmental Movements,” (on Indigenous Environmental Network) in magazine (Boston).

1995 “Tailing Exxon and Rio Algom” with Dr. Al Gedicks, in Multinational Monitor

1995 Militias and the Oklahoma City bombing, in Madison Times (Wisconsin).

1992 “Through the Looking Glass: Letter from a European Rights Activist,” speculative fiction on Native American invasion of Europe, in Report on the Americas (Washington), Akwesasne Notes (Mohawk Nation), News From Indian Country (Wisconsin), Northern Sun News (Minneapolis), Peace News (London). Translations: German Spanish Russian.

1992 “Sarajevo and Los Angeles: A Tale of Two Cities,” in New Liberation News Service / PSN News (Washington), The Edge (Madison).

1991-2002 Wisconsin mining reports, in News From Indian Country (Wisconsin), Masinaigan (Wisconsin), Shepherd Express (Milwaukee), The Guardian (New York), Milwaukee Business Journal, Against the CurrentTranslations: Spanish and German.

1989-91 Ojibwe (Chippewa) treaty rights fight, in Z magazine (Boston), Pogrom (Germany), Coyote (Germany), Teepee (Italy), Svoboda (Russia), Sojourners (Washington) The Guardian (New York), Forward Motion (Boston), Heartland (Chicago), Northern Sun News (Minneapolis), Masinaigan (Wisconsin), The Circle (Minneapolis), News From Indian Country (Wisconsin), and Against the Current (Detroit).

1986 “Inside the Philippine Resistance,” in Race and Class (London).

1983 Relations Between the Left and Indigenous Peoples (unpublished manuscript, from Directed Studies with University of Wisconsin-Madison History Professor Steve Stern).

1982-84 Nuclear issues and Native American sovereignty, in Daily Cardinal (Madison).

1982 Milwaukee Police and the Black Community, in WIN magazine (New York).

1982 Interview with Mapuche leader Nilo Cayuqueo (JSTOR) on Indigenous peoples and the Left, in Latin American Perspectives (Berkeley), Native Peoples News (London), and Akwesasne Notes (Mohawk Nation).

1981 South African nuclear program and African uranium wars, in Milwaukee Courier (Wisconsin), Northern Sun News (Minneapolis), North Country Anvil (Minnesota), and Daily Cardinal (Madison). Map

1979 Black Hills issues, in World Information Service on Energy (Amsterdam), Native Peoples News (London).

1978 Reports on Native American issues and Minnesota powerline, in Metro Student News (Minneapolis).