Winter Quarter Events

Commons Conversations

Faculty and staff are invited to join the Learning and Teaching Commons winter quarter commons conversations. No RSVP is required. We hope to see you all there!

What can your commons do for you? Talk to us!
Tuesday, February 11 | 12:00-1:00 PM (lunch provided)
SEM II-B 2107
Facilitated by the Learning and Teaching Commons Advisory Council
Commons Advisory Council members will listen to your thoughts about learning and teaching at Evergreen, and to your ideas for the Learning and Teaching Commons. 

Seminars that work
Monday, February 24 | 12:00-1:00 PM (lunch provided)
SEM II-E 3107
Facilitated by Cholee Gladney and Elizabeth Williamson 
Seminars can spark learning for everyone present . . . or not. Bring your experiences and questions! Presenters will share their ideas briefly about what faculty and staff can do to set groups and sessions on an equitable and rewarding path, both before and during seminar discussions. Then we’ll open the floor for conversation.

Communities of Practice

Neurodiversity Community of Practice
Please join the neurodiversity community of practice at their next meeting on Wednesday, February 26 from 1:00-3:00 pm, in SEM II-D2105.


Providing academic statement support to students
Wednesday, February 19th | 3:00-4:00 pm
Purce Hall, Classroom 7
Facilitated by Joli Sandoz and Sandy Yannone

Come join us to share your experiences and learn new strategies to support students in developing their annual and final academic statements.


Curriculum Planning Retreat
April 16-17th 
Rainbow Lodge
North Bend, WA
Co-hosted by the Washington Center and the Washington Learning Community Consortium

The curriculum planning retreat is designed to support faculty teams to design integrative learning experiences for students in the context of linked or paired courses, clustered courses, first-year experience programs, living-learning communities, or coordinated studies programs. Learn more! 

Learning Communities Association Webinars

Each semester, the Learning Communities Association (LCA) provides a way for members to share their work with learning communities and/or residential living-learning communities through a series of free webinars. The LCA is currently accepting webinar proposals for Spring 2020. Webinars can focus on assessment, best practices, co-curricular activities, peer mentoring, faculty involvement, special populations, or other relevant topic. Please consider sharing your expertise with your fellow LC practitioners.

To submit a webinar proposal, please click HERE. You can also become a member of this free professional association by registering HERE. If you have any questions, please email

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