LTC Salon | Supporting Neurodiverse Students

Julie Russo is the 2023-2024 Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar. Her salon series provides an informal space for faculty discussion of teaching practices and challenges. See her complete bio on our website.

Dear colleagues,

I invite you to celebrate your hard work in Week 1 by dropping into the Learning and Teaching Commons (Sem II E3120) for a snack and a cup of tea. Friday 9/29 from 12:30-2:30 I will be hosting a Salon on the theme of Supporting Neurodiverse Students. If you are able, stay for an informal chat on this topic – bring your teaching questions, or discuss what you find in the resource packet I prepared. I’ll have some hard copies of this dossier available for you to pick up, and the digital version is attached (note: I’m sharing the Word doc in addition to a PDF for accessibility purposes). Hope you will visit!
Happy fall,

Julie Levin Russo, PhD
Member of the Faculty
The Evergreen State College
she/her pronouns (what’s this? )
Media Arts & Studies | Gender & Queer Studies
Curricular Area Team Leader: Food, Art, Media
Learning & Teaching Commons: Faculty Scholar
United Faculty of Evergreen: Communications

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