Call for Community-initiated Summer Institutes

Dear Colleagues: 

We are excited to welcome your creative proposals for community-initiated Summer Institutes! Summer Institutes give us time to come together, build relationships and reinforce our pedagogical commitments to our students. They also give us much needed time for reflection, self and community care, and fun. 

For Summer 2020, we will have three types of institutes:

  1. Sponsored Institutes. The Learning & Teaching Commons (LTC) is collaborating with Student & Academic Life (SAL) and Inclusive Excellence & Student Success (IESS) to develop these institutes. These institutes will be announced by March 30.   
  2. Path Initiated Institutes. Paths of Study groups are encouraged to meet for 1-2 days this summer to discuss the state of their path group and refine/update their path document. If your group decides to meet, please have your convener or another member of the group submit an institute proposal. Both approved paths and potential paths, as well as CAT groups, can submit proposals. Areas of focus for this summer will likely be Path curricula for transfer students; closer integration of Paths and Greener Foundations; and implications of the “Big Bets” process for each Path group. We will provide more guidelines for this work, which will be funded by the Mellon Grant.
  3. Community-Initiated Institutes. These institutes are proposed by faculty and faculty/staff teams.  We invite you to submit your creative ideas, and pedagogical expertise and experiments.

Submit your creatively practical learning and teaching adventures for Summer Institutes by completing this form on or before Monday, March 16. Community-initiated institutes that support the following goals are especially encouraged:

  • Managing Institutional Change: Supporting and developing capacity to build resilience in times of change.
  • Campus Climate and Belonging: Providing an inclusive and welcoming environment where all community members can thrive and experience belonging. (IESS Goal 3)*
  • Learning and Development: Developing a culture of participation in learning opportunities for all community members that increase cultural competence and humility. (IESS Goal 4)*

* These goals were drawn from the Inclusive Action Plan Template developed by the VP for Inclusive Excellence & Student Success to support planning to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion, consistent with our college mission, strategic priorities, and the Inclusive Excellence Framework.

Thank you for contributing your creative thinking to supporting Evergreen’s mission to offer collaborative, interdisciplinary learning across significant differences.

Julia Metzker, Director of the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education
Elizabeth Williamson, Dean of Faculty Hiring and Development

The Evergreen Learning and Teaching Commons
~ a project of the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education | @wacenterTESC | 360-867-6611

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