RECAST | Spring 2020 Week 3 Resources and Reminders
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From: Academic Deans <>
Date: Apr 13, 2020, 1:56 PM -0700
Dear Colleagues:
Whew! We launched Spring 2020! Amazing work all around! Time to take a deep breath and look ahead….
Week 5 check in and support: As we near mid-quarter in this new remote environment, reaching out individually to each student is critically important. In these check-ins you can inquire about any obstacles to the learning environment, as well as field questions about program content, achieving learning objectives and earning credit. Again, we hope that flexibility, compassion and creativity can be extended to students who may not all be able to respond to program/course assignments in the same way, particularly due to their access to synchronous learning tools. The “Remote Learning Tips for Students” module on the Keep Teaching Canvas Site may be useful for you as you are advising students. If you are not yet enrolled in the Canvas site, or would like to consult about these sessions, please contact
2021-22 Curriculum: The due date for submission of 2021-22 catalog copy has been extended to April 24, 2020. Please submit via the usual channels (under the Curriculum Development tab found in
Budget Requests for 2020-21: Program budget requests for Olympia undergraduate programs and courses for academic year 20/21 are due at the end of Week 7, on Friday May 15. We will have a decision about the mode of instruction for Fall quarter by May 1, so you may want to wait until then to submit your request. Please visit and select Academic Resources.
Academic Statements: Students will still be required to submit their annual and final academic statements this spring. Annual iterations of the statement are due Thursday, May 14; graduating seniors need to submit their final statement by Friday, June 12. More information at
Academic Fair: The Academic Fair is going remote! Plans are afoot to conduct the fair via Zoom. It is still currently scheduled for Wednesday, May 13, and will feature summer and fall offerings. Stay tuned for more information.
Commencement: Commencement is currently scheduled for Friday, June 12. Our commencement committee is determining how best to conduct this year’s ceremonies. Expect an announcement in the coming days.
Summer School: It is looking increasingly likely that summer will be remote. We are looking into a plan to allow, if possible, a couple of small exceptions based on an application process. Please stay tuned for official notice very soon!
Summer Institutes: Thanks to all of you who submitted amazing proposals for 2020 Summer Institutes! Although our timeline has had to be pushed back, we are now actively working on approving and scheduling faculty-initiated institutes, and plan to add several institutes on remote and online instruction and equity and inclusion. In the meantime, please mark your calendars for the following:
New Faculty Academy – June 15/16
Please save these dates if you are teaching with a new faculty member
First Year Experience — June 15-17
Please save these dates if you are teaching in FYE in 20/21
Big Bets Institute – June 18-19
A chance for faculty to engage broadly with Big Bets implementation
Leadership Institute — June 29-July 1
A follow up to last summer’s institute, focused on “leading from the middle”
Thanks for all you are doing to provide a quality learning experience this quarter!
We are here to support you. Let us know how.
The Academic Deans | 360.867.6810
Kathleen Eamon | Larry Geri | Karen Gaul | Trevor Speller | Greg Mullins |Elizabeth Williamson | Marcia Tate-Arunga