Recast | SURVEY REMINDER: How do you advise students? Please complete a quick survey in advance of the Week 6 faculty meeting

From: Metzker, Julia <>
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 3:15 PM

Hello again faculty colleagues,

Happy Monday! Many thanks to the 31 of you that have responded to the advising practices survey.  We look forward to sharing what we learn with you at Wednesday’s faculty meeting. 

What have we learned so far?

  • An overwhelming majority of you consider yourself faculty advisors
  • Curriculum planning and advising for career/graduate school are the most common topics discussed with students
  • Collectively, you are more confident advising about academic choices and career than student basic needs.
  • The Library, Writing Center, and Academic and Career Advising are the MOST recommended student support services.
  • And you’ve shared a wealth of valuable written feedback.

If you haven’t had a chance to respond to the survey, there is still time to add your voice before Wednesday using the link below.


In community,

Julia Metzker (she/her)

Director, Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education

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