Recast | Winter Faculty meetings: info from Weeks 2 and 4
From: “Caraher, John” <>
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 4:24 PM
Dear Colleagues,
I have been moving in the direction of making more use of the Canvas AC Faculty Portal to store documents associated with our work in faculty meetings. This should be accessible to all faculty eligible to vote in a given quarter. I want to call attention to several documents I have just added:
Resources for use with prospective students:
At the Week 2 meeting Michael Joseph announced some resources for faculty to draw on in communicating with prospective students; the “cheat sheets” he distributed post-meeting via email are now available at the bottom of the Winter Quarter Week 2 Faculty Meeting module on the Resources for Communicating with Prospective Students page.
Presentations and information from Marketing and Communications; Site Editors list:
I have posted the presentation by Farra Layne Hayes from the Week 4 meeting in the Winter Quarter Week 4 Faculty Meeting module (along with Interim Provost David McAvity’s presentation and some links to further information that arose during his talk). In addition, Farra provided a spreadsheet of the current list of site editors.
Thank you, David and Farra, for sharing your presentations and other documents.
John Caraher
Member of the Faculty (Physics)
Faculty Chair, 2019-2021
The Evergreen State College