RECAST | Fall 2020: In-Person Learning

From: Academic Deans <>
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:46 PM

Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues –  

Fall quarter is just around the corner! Although the vast majority of our students and faculty will be learning and teaching remotely, there will be some in-person learning this fall, as part of a continuing pilot of hybrid offerings.  

Evergreen offered seven hybrid offerings in summer 2020, including “Practice of Organic Farming,” “Transformation of the Thunderbird” and “General Biology.” These offerings allowed about 100 students to experience some in-person instruction. We also had several students and faculty working on research projects in person. I want to thank the students, staff, and faculty who made this learning possible. Thanks to their diligent work, and that of the COVID-19 Health and Safety teams, there were no cases of COVID-19 in our offerings.   

We will continue to offer a limited number of hybrid classes this fall with some in-person learning. This will allow about 200 students to have in-person instruction at some point in the quarter. There may also be ILCs and internships with in-person components. We will continue to be diligent about following our safety plans and ensuring compliance, so we can keep our community safe.  

Many of you will have questions about in-person learning this fall. Below you will find information about: 

  • Coming to campus 
  • Hybrid offerings with in-person components 
  • ILCs, Internships, and Research with in-person components 

We encourage all faculty to review the recent MOU with the United Faculty of Evergreen which helps to outline many of the requirements for faculty this fall. 

Questions about in-person learning can be directed to

Sincerely –  

The Academic Deans 

Coming to Campus 

Faculty and staff coming to campus – even to pick up a book, or print something off in the office – should complete the COVID-19 Safety Training in Canvas, follow the solo worker plan, and fill out the college’s health verification form on Masks, social distancing, and handwashing are also key components of the solo worker plan.  

Groups of employees wanting to meet may do so following the group meeting guidance and safety plan. Among other requirements, the plan requires you to notify your supervisor or dean, obtain PPE, and complete the safety training.  

Students coming to campus will need to complete a health verification, wear a mask, and abide by the  campus safety plan. Student employees, and students in programs with in-person learning, will be prioritized for the COVID-19 Canvas safety training. Like employees, students traveling from out of state will need to abide by the 14-day quarantine before visiting campus or learning in person. 

Hybrid Offerings Pilot Project 

As announced by the Provost in August, Evergreen is adopting a remote footing this fall. As part of our ongoing pilot, six offerings have been selected to provide some in-person learning this fall. They are: 

  • “Forests” 
  • “General Biology: Cells, Populations, and Ecosystems” 
  • “Practice of Organic Farming” 
  • “Principles and Applications of Ecological Forestry” 
  • “Exploring Other Worlds: Astrobiology and Instrumentation” 
  • “Shaped by the Sea, Shaped by the Hand”  

Each hybrid offering will be assigned a COVID-19 supervisor, who will conduct training and verify compliance with the instructional safety plan. We will work with faculty teams individually to support their offerings. Those who need more detail about the offerings to do their work can write to to learn more. 

In-person learning will begin in week 2 of fall quarter and continue through week 8. Week 1 will be reserved for safety training. Weeks 9 and 10, occurring after Thanksgiving, will not be available for in-person learning due to travel quarantines. 

You may not offer in-person components of your program or course unless you have prior approval to do so. Our capacity to provide in-person learning is presently limited by compliance monitoring, PPE, cleaning capacity, staff availability, and Evergreen’s ability to respond to potential outbreaks on campus. 

Later in fall quarter, the Academic Deans will be taking requests for hybrid learning in winter and spring 2021. 

ILCs, Internships, and Research 

We may approve a very limited number of ILCs and internships with in-person components. You can continue to work through the ILC/INT system to make requests. We will assume that all individual learning will be done remotely, unless noted otherwise.  

Any requests for in-person learning should be clearly indicated in the ILC or internship proposal. Faculty should also make the deans aware of this request by writing to For ILCs, students should continue to use the system to make requests for physical space and equipment. Area managers and staff will adjudicate those requests based on availability of staff, spaces, and equipment, as well as safety plans and COVID supervision. There are specific requirements for internships: please contact  

Undergraduate and graduate research offerings may also apply for in-person learning. Please contact for more information.  

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