GC01- So, You Want to Maybe Teach in MiT?

GC01- So, You Want to Maybe Teach in MiT?

0.5 days

Kate Napolitan, Michael Bowman and Sonja Wiedenhaupt 

This institute is designed for people who are interested in teaching in MiT or may even have a commitment to teach in MiT already. The institute is designed to give an overall summary of the newly redesigned MiT program; the five experiential strands; connections to K-12 schools; and the involvement of mentors from families, communities, and community-based organizations (CBOs). Additionally, the unique role participants who teach in the program have as instructors and mentors to teacher candidates across a variety of contexts, will also be introduced. This institute will orient people who have already expressed interest in MiT and will also be used as an opportunity to pique the interest of others in serving in MiT.


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