Faculty Note | Miranda Mellis | 2021-2022

This past year Miranda Mellis has published various kinds of writings in various kinds of publications including Journal of Narrative Theory, Tarpaulin Sky, Western Humanities Review, and Conjunctions. Her most recent book (of poems, wise cracks and aphorisms) Demystifications, came out in 2021 from Solid Objects. In December she gave a collaborative reading of a text co-composed with poet Sean Negus and filmmaker Lynn Marie Kirby at Cushion Works gallery in San Francisco, to open an exhibition of works by Etal Adnan and Lynn Marie Kirby. In April, her work was included in Re-Examining Conservation, an exhibition at Brown University’s Granoff Center for the Arts. In June she will give a reading in Berlin and facilitate a workshop at the Critical Edge Alliance conference with Evergreen MEA alum Jeanne Dodds, on bringing together the arts and the sciences to work on celebrating and protecting animals and their habitats. She is currently revising a feminist speculative fiction novel called A Change of Plane and a cross-genre book of memories and conjectures called No Fix.

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