Faculty Academic Fair Zoom Setup Due

Faculty Academic Fair Zoom Setup Due

February 24, 2021 all-day

Faculty will set up their own zoom meetings for the fair. Our friends in academic technologies have been nice enough to put together a guide to help you quickly set up your meetings with the settings that are most appropriate for this type of event. See:  Schedule a Zoom Meeting via the Web Portal. Those zoom links, as well as your fair handouts, will be provided to students on a webpage. Links will also be available to the other offices and support services students are accustomed to finding at the fair.


Faculty need to take steps 1-3 on the list below by Wednesday, February 24th to have everything in place before the fair the following week.

  1. Create your fair handout
  2. Create your Zoom link. See:  Schedule a Zoom Meeting via the Web Portal
  3. Complete this form for each offering you want to display in the online fair guide (if you have more than one in spring please make sure to fill it out for each offering).
  4. Show up to your zoom meeting and help students!

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