Faculty Notes | Michael Vavrus | 2022-2023
The works listed over the past year are extensions of Michael Vavrus’s book “Teaching Anti-Fascism: A Critical Multicultural Pedagogy for Civic Engagement.“
Interviewed by RefuseFascism.org, an anti-fascist action organization (2023, May 28).
Podcast interview begins around 8 min. 45 sec.
Conference Paper: “Teaching Anti-Fascism in Response to Far-Right Educational
Absolutism.”. Presentation at Anti-Fascism in the 21st Century Conference, Hofstra
University. (2022, November)
Faculty Workshop: “Teaching Anti-Fascism Across the Curriculum: Antidote for
Educational Censorship.” Merrimack College via Zoom. (2022, October)
Webinar Presenter: “Anti-Fascism: Supporting Targets of Racial, Cultural, and Religious
Discrimination & Violence” via Zoom
(1) Presentation for Unity in Diversity series at Merrimack College (2022, October)
(2) Presentation for Antioch University’s Virtual Doctoral Residency (2023, May)
Lectures: “Competing Ideologies: A 3-Part Series.” Presentations for Frank Tobey Jones
Senior University, Tacoma, WA (2022, October)
(1) “Historical Foundations of Fascism and Liberal Democracies”
(2) “Contemporary Far-Right Extremism and Conservatism”
(3) “Why Anti-Fascism/Antifa in the 21st Century?”
Conference Paper: “Anti-Fascism and the Social Context of Education”. Presentation at the
Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. (2022, April)