Have you submitted a Sponsored Research Proposal yet?

Dear Colleagues, 

I invite you to consider submitting a proposal for a Sponsored Research grant in support of your research and creative projects. The deadline for submitting proposals is October 17 at 5 PM (Monday of week 4 Fall quarter). For details see the Sponsored Research web page 

In addition, I also invite those not applying for funds to consider signing up to serve on the grant selection committee via the Faculty Governance signup sheet. Two faculty have signed up so far and ideally, this committee (whose chief work is the Fall quarter ranking of Sponsored Research proposals) would have 4-5 members who represent a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. Serving on this committee will help you better know the work of other faculty and would likely offer insight into how to prepare a successful proposal yourself in some subsequent year, should you decide to seek a Sponsored Research grant. Recent recipients are also especially valued for the perspectives you can bring to the work. 

Thank you for your attention during this busy time! 


John Caraher 

Interim Associate Dean of Faculty Development 

Member of the Faculty (Physics & Mathematics) 

In-person schedule:  

Washington Center office Mon/Wed 

Deans’ area: Tue/Thu 

Faculty office Fri 

Faculty office: 3267 Lab 2 Phone: (360) 867-6101 

Deans’ area office: 2021 Evans Hall Phone: (360) 867-6659 


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