Faculty Note | Sean Williams | 2021-2022

Sean Williams has had two textbooks and a grammar book published recently: the second edition of Focus: Irish Traditional Music (Routledge, 2019), English Grammar: 100 Tragically Common Mistakes (and How to Correct Them) (Zephyros, 2020), and Musics of the World (Oxford, 2021). She doesn’t use textbooks in her teaching, however! Her most recent article is titled “The Magical Whiteness of Being Irish: Language and Song in American White Nationalism,” in The New Hibernia Review 25/4: 134-148 (2021). She has presented her research on white supremacy and the American appropriation of Irish musical culture at several conferences since 2020. During her sabbatical in 2021 she wrote most of her next book, which will be about the connection between liminality and music.

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