Evergreen is now using Panopto – and other technology updates
Evergreen is now using Panopto – A Video Cloud Hosting Platform that is now connected to all Zoom cloud recordings. Here’s what you need to know:
- C&C and Media Services are working towards making Panopto our default video cloud storage platform.
- As of Dec. 17th, 2021, all Zoom cloud recordings are automatically copying over to Panopto.
- All faculty planning to use Zoom cloud recordings should activate Panopto in their Winter Canvas courses (preferably before their first class recording). See: How to add Panopto to your course navigation
- This January we will be migrating all Zoom cloud video data storage over to Panopto.
- Panopto trainings for staff and faculty are in the works – stay tuned! Until then, check out our Panopto Helpwiki Guide.
Academic Computing Center and CAL Winter Quarter Updates
Our computer labs are open for classes and student drop-in access. Please visit the Academic Computer Center and Computer Application Lab (CAL) sites for the most up-to-date hours.
Microsoft 365 updates
New – Visio in Microsoft 365 is a browser-based app that is now available for all campus community members, faculty, staff and students.
- It can be accessed from within office.com or directly from visio.office.com.
- Visio helps you draw diagrams that communicate complex information at a glance. Learn more about Visio
Technology Support Center (TSC) reminder
The best way to get connected to information technology (IT) assistance is by submitting a support request at help.evergreen.edu. Requests are immediately evaluated and prioritized for IT staff to respond as soon as possible. Staff who are unable to do their work at all get urgent priority – can’t login, computer equipment is not working, etc. If you aren’t able to submit a request online, please call 360-867-6627 or email support@evergreen.edu.
The TSC office is open in-person by appointment only (primarily for equipment drop-off/pick-up) Tuesday to Friday, 8 – 5pm. Appointments can be made outside of these times as needed.
Tony Alfonso he|him
Associate Vice President for Information Technology
The Evergreen State College