Recast | Re-Imagining Student Affairs

From: “Bridges, George” <>
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 8:41 AM


At my request in Spring 2020, a working group comprised of faculty and staff led by Jeannette Smith launched a review of Evergreen’s co-curricular programs and student services on the Olympia campus. The review culminated in an important report delivered this Spring, Re-imagining Student Affairs, that includes recommendations on the future structure of student services along with strategies for supporting the needs and aspirations of staff serving students directly.  

The report and recommendations arrive at a point of significant transition at Evergreen. As you know, the trustees recently appointed John Carmichael as Interim President and Dexter Gordon in a new position, Executive Vice President. This shift in Evergreen’s leadership along with our ongoing budget constraints complicate taking significant action on the report’s recommendations at this time. Nevertheless, leadership support in student affairs, particularly as we prepare for the fall term with many students returning to on-campus activities, is critical.  

I am pleased to report that Mike Segawa, the former Vice President of Student Affairs at Pitzer College, has agreed to serve over the summer as our acting senior student affairs officer. Mike is a highly regarded student affairs professional, a former Evergreen staff member, and the Vice President of Student Affairs at the University of Puget Sound prior to serving at Pitzer.  

Mike will begin at Evergreen on July 6, reporting directly to John Carmichael and working in close collaboration and consultation with David McAvity and Therese Saliba, along with other area leaders. His primary role is to provide stability and support to our Student Engagement team, advising and guiding them as they prepare for the arrival of students in September.  He will not have supervisory responsibility over staff; staff will retain their current reporting lines. 

Mike will work full time through the summer and then on an as-needed basis through the fall. He will assist John and Dexter in developing the college’s long-term strategy for Student Engagement and IESS. 

Please welcome Mike back to Evergreen. We’re delighted he’ll be assisting us. 



George S. Bridges


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