Recast | IESS Staff Spotlight Dr. Allen Thompson, Director of Academic & Career Advising

What would you most like people to know about your experience and background? 
I have devoted my entire professional career to helping students achieve their educational goals, ultimately leading to great career success. I have held leadership roles at private, public, and proprietary institutions in areas of undergraduate and graduate enrollment management as well as academic affairs. I am proud of the work I’ve done in international education, especially the opportunities to travel to many countries in Latin America, Asia, Kazakhstan, and Puerto Rico. 

What have you enjoyed most about living in the northwest so far? 
The rain. Living in drought prone California, it is very welcoming to see rain again! The beauty of the pacific northwest is also pleasing to my soul.

What are you most excited about/what goals do you have for your work at Evergreen?
I am very excited about the changes taking place at Evergreen and the ability to take an active role in these endeavors. My first goal for Evergreen is to elevate the academic and career advising experience for all Greeners such that their satisfaction with these services aids in their persistence toward graduation from the College. Secondly, it is beyond a professional charge of mine, a calling if you will, to see that students from marginalized populations feel a sense of pride with regard to their education at Evergreen.  My research focus on African American males is something I want to further here.

What activities bring you joy and peace of mind? 
I am what many may call a gym buff. I workout 5-7 days a week, lifting weights and doing cardio exercises. It is during these times of exercise I release the day’s stress and get into a mental space of clarity and harmony with the larger environment surrounding me. I am also very spiritual so my relationship with God and prayer keep me centered.  I must also mention my passion for travel, especially international travel. I am eager to once again vacation abroad once safe to do so.

It’s Black History Month! are there particular books, movies, resources you’d like to share with the community?
I am currently reading A Promised Land by Former President Barack Obama. I highly recommend this read. I also look forward to viewing African American television programming during Black History Month.  Some of my favorite movies are shown during this time; Stormy WeatherImitation of LifeThe Color PurpleComing to America, and so many others!

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