RECAST | Updating Fall 2020 Catalog
Academic Deans <>
Date: May 12, 2020, 4:42 PM -0700
Dear Faculty Colleagues –
Thanks to those of you who attended the special faculty meeting yesterday afternoon. Fall planning is now upon us. We are asking all faculty to complete a webform regarding their fall offerings before Monday, May 18, 2020. Our goal is to gather enough information to update the Academic Catalog.
In preparing for fall instruction, we remain subject to guidance from Governor Inslee. We will align the college’s operations with the phases of his “Safe Start” policy plan.
For fall quarter 2020, we will plan our curriculum for the possibility that health conditions and Governor’s orders will permit some in-person instruction. This corresponds to phase 3 of the “Safe Start” plan. This means we are planning for fall on a hybrid footing, with a mix of in-person and remote instruction. This more complex planning task will set us up to provide highly experiential learning activities if conditions permit, and allow us to pivot to other contingencies if they do not.
Our goal is to amend the Academic Catalog by May 22, in order to better reflect the remote and in-person components of your offering prior to Academic Fair (May 27) and Registration (June 1).
As noted above, we are asking faculty to fill out a webform regarding their fall offerings before Monday, May 18, 2020. The faculty program coordinator should fill out this form for each offering they are planning in fall. You can find the webform here:
At this point in time we are asking for limited information on the webform.
Questions? You can:
Review the power point presentation from Monday’s faculty meeting (attached)
Attend a drop-in question and answer session with the Curriculum Deans on Wednesday, May 13 from 1-3 pm. The Zoom link is
Sincerely –
The Academic Deans