RECAST: Evergreen Adapts

Dear Staff and Faculty, 

As our winter quarter concludes, the coronavirus outbreak has altered Evergreen operations in some challenging ways. Our ability to innovate and adapt is being pressure-tested as never before.  

I am inspired by the ingenuity and flexibility you have shown as we have raced to keep pace with events. Together we are building new structures for teaching and learning that will keep our community safe while delivering for our students. I have faith that we will succeed. 

Governor Inslee has not flinched in taking vital measures to slow the spread of COVID-19. We share responsibility with him in keeping health at the forefront of the multiple choices we are all making every day. By leaning into these measures, we are protecting the lives of our students, colleagues and family members, as well as our own. 

Please watch for regular email updates from the COVID-19 Planning and Response Team, and do keep an eye on Evergreen’s COVID-19 webpages for new information.   

Thank you for the extraordinary work you are doing to take care of yourselves and students, keep our buildings running, maintaining safety, recruiting prospective students and planning a new academic experience in spring quarter.   



George S. Bridges
The Evergreen State College

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