We need a head count for students who want to attend the Farmworker Justice Day events rather than regular program activities on Wednesday.  See poster above and be prepared to commit to your Wednesday plans by the end of lecture on Tuesday AM.

9-12 Lecture: Olympia Oysters, Salt and Terroir

Cultural Studies Reading:  Taste Culture Reader  “Salt” 103-109; “Spices” 123-130

Jeff Humphries: “Words as oysters”

SW’s lecture notes with URL’s

SW’s sample HSR form

Natural History Reading: From Mark Bitterman’s Salted: A Manifesto on the World’s Most Essential Mineral, Salted_31-47

Read these two articles on Olympia Oysters: Olympia_Oyster_Ecology_Restoration2015 and Olympia_Oyster_Reef_Restoration. Optional resources for natural history studies: Olympia_Oyster_Baja_to_Alaska, WillapaBay_Oyster_ReservesOlympia_Oyster_WillapaBay2015 and Olympia_Oyster_Restoration_Genetics

1:30-4:30 Tasting Lab

Reading:  Stuckey ch 8 “Salt”

WPreLab 4 is DUE Tuesday by 1 PM online at the Terroir Canvas Winter Site (see link in right column at the bottom of the WordPress program site or enter through your   Wtr PreLab 4 is posted on the canvas winter quarter site.  DO NOT TRY TO USE THE FWS CANVAS SITE, RATHER USE THE WINTER CANVAS SITE ONLY.

Please remember to wash your hands with soap on arrival in the Longhouse.


9:30-11 Seminar: Required reading Geography of Oysters (Jacobsen) 73-164; Consider the Oyster (Fisher) 30-76

Due: Seminar Writing Assignment with week 6 variation:  1) Identify a thesis for Jacobsen’s text;  2) identify a thesis for Fisher’s text; 3) provide  supporting evidence for the theses as suggested in this quarter’s Winter Quarter Seminar Writing Assignment; 4) conclude with 1-3 sentences that compare and contrast the two thesis; 5) have someone proofread your paper, revise, and type the word count next to your name.

11:15-12:45 Anthropocene Lecture Series

The Resilience Doctrine: Disaster Cooperativism in the Climate Crisis,  Zoltan Grossman

Reading: Interview with Rebecca Solnit

Additional Resources: Introduction to Rebecca Solnit’s A Paradise Built in Hell


Jose Gomez Farmworker Justice Day:  9-12:30 Panel and Inequality Town Hall Discussion with Q&A; 2:30-3:30 Workshops E3105 & E3107 2:30-3:30


THURSDAY — Leave from front of C Lot at 9 AM.  Bring a bag lunch, notebook, and tasting cup (for geoduck chowder and wine–if desired)  with spoon.

FIELD TRIP: Local Indigenous Terroir; Meroir/Terroir

10-12  Squaxin Island Tribe Museum Library and Research Center

12-12:30 lunch at Squaxin Island Tribe classroom

1-3 Meroir Meets Terroir at Donedei Winery with Carolyn Lakewold and Fred Goldberg and Lorne Jacobsen


10:30-12 noon:  In program ILC students meet in SEM2, E3105. Be prepared to share progress and challenges for each of your learning goals.

SATURDAY: Recommended Activity

Evergreen Shellfish Club Work Party: Saturday, February 20th at 9:30pm.  Join in!  Talk with Emily for details.

WEEK 8, INDEPENDENT WORK WEEK: See the Terroir Week 8 Independent Work Week Guide.