Fall Case Study Assignment: Overview 

Rather than the traditional scholarly term paper, our Case Studies will take the form of websites. We’ll start with the staff-faculty template using the WordPress theme, Massive Press, then each peer group will create their own version. Here’s our starting place: http://blogs.evergreen.edu/terroir-case-studies-template/

And, here’s an overview of all you can learn to do using Massive Press:

Each quarter of our yearlong program includes three faculty-led case studies: chocolate, wine coffee (fall); chocolate, oysters, tea (winter), chocolate, honey, potatoes (spring). During the spring quarter students also (either individually or as a small group) will select their own case study (which may or may not build on a program case study) and immerse within a field study of it—locally or anywhere on the planet. Each case study will remain archived with access from the home page.

While this work is dynamic and based on active experimentation—both in the classroom (CAL workshops, lectures and tastings, seminars) and in field sites (NW Chocolate Festival), there are basic components of the Case Study Assignment: Permaculture and Chocolate; Field Study; Cumulative Bibliography: Terroir of Chocolate; and Instagram. Instructions for what is required for each are included in sections below. The material each group assembles on its website will form the basis for each group’s week ten presentation, which must include a slide show and an audio clip as well as an overview of the group’s websites for each case study. Again, think of your website as a multimedia term paper.

Assignment Details: