Learning and Teaching Guides

Teaching at Evergreen

All faculty are encouraged to enroll in the Teaching at Evergreen canvas course, which hosts a wide array of resources and communications curated by the Commons. The Canvas shell is updated continuously and regularly, as more resources become available or new areas of support are discovered. If you have any content suggestions, please email the Commons.

Learning and Teaching Guides

The Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education hosts several learning and teaching guides to support effective and inclusive practice.

  • A series of Inclusive Teaching Tips published in the Learning and Teaching Commons Newsletter, offer simple, equitable teaching practices.
  • Equity Mindsets encourage us to cultivate habits of mind to address opportunity gaps.
  • Welcoming Students to Inclusive Learning Spaces is a compendium of resources, strategies and approaches prepared by Evergreen faculty that offers support for creating a welcoming classroom environment as well as helpful materials for preparing syllabi and covenants.
  • All Learners Welcome: Resources for Designing Inclusive Learning Experiences provides a growing curation of internet resources, readings, and people that can support designing inclusive learning experiences. The Inclusion by Design – Syllabus Tool is a great place to start.
  • Backward Design, or intentional design, is a curriculum planning process that works as well for individual faculty as it does for departments and programs.
  • Assignment Design is a practice that has important impact on student success. Consider designing integrative, interdisciplinary assignments that make learning visible.
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning or SoTL, has become a fixture in the academy over the past 10 years. This site provides websites, scholarly journals, international conferences and institutes showcase a focus on teaching as a worthy aspect of faculty inquiry.
  • Creative Syllabus Design offers some interesting examples and resources to think about ways to make syllabi more useable and visually appealing.
  • Julia’s “Go-To” guide for using and creating rubrics is a good place to start when you are thinking about designing or adapting a rubric. Check out the single-point rubric – it might change your life!
  • Developing Community Agreements – Two simple exercises to develop community agreements in your program or course.
  • The Team Teaching Checklist shares some ideas about how to successfully team teach at Evergreen,  developed by the participants of the summer institute: “Improving Team Teaching Through Dialogue” led by Miranda Mellis and Shangrila Joshi
  • Communities of Inquiry offers guidance and advice for forming faculty communities of inquiry to explore teaching practices.
  • Creating Accessible Materials – download these two document for advice on creating accessible Word and Powerpoint documents
    • Creating Accessible Word Documents (pdf)
    • Creating Accessible PowerPoints (pdf)
  • Academic Continuity in Disruptive Times has useful advice for establishing communication strategies with your students, tools to support remote teaching and more.
  • Evergreen’s Tribal Land Acknowledgements

Quickstart Tip Sheets for Online Teaching

  1. The “core four” technologies for teaching remotely describes the go-to digital tools you need to teach online (pdf).
  2. Twelve pedagogical teaching tips to consider for effective online teaching (pdf).
  3. Fifteen tips for making the most of Canvas (pdf).
  4. Seven tips for effectively using zoom (pdf).