Recast | Dean of Students

From: “Carmichael, John” <>
Date: Monday, August 30, 2021 at 11:01 AM

To:  All staff and Faculty

I am pleased to share that Holly Joseph has agreed to serve as our Dean of Students for the 21-23 biennium.  Since Wendy Endress’ departure, Evergreen’s student engagement functions have been led by an extraordinarily dedicated and talented team.  Last year, a group met under Jeannette Smith’s leadership to make recommendations related to this portfolio.  Holly’s leadership of the area will help us prepare to welcome more students to campus this fall, providing much-needed support to the many staff doing this important work, and guidance to senior leaders as a member of the executive team. 

Holly’s leadership team will include Andy Corn, Connie Gardner, Sharon Goodman, and Elizabeth McHugh.  The portfolio will include Wellness, Recreation, and Athletics; Residential and Dining Services; Student Activities; and Title IX/Student Conduct; the Children’s Center; and New Student Orientation.  The Dean of Students position will report to the President. 

Holly holds a Master’s degree in Education Leadership and Policy from the University of Washington and served as Director of Evergreen’s First People’s Multicultural Advising Services before becoming the Executive Associate to the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the College Budget Officer.  This range of experience leaves her well-prepared for this new leadership position.

Holly will step into the role on September 16.  Dave Kohler is making plans to backfill the college budget work that Holly previously led.

Please join me in thanking Holly for assuming this important role.


John Carmichael, PhD

Interim President

The Evergreen State College

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