Did you see the Fall 2022 Week 4 Resources and Reminders?
Welcome to your Fall 2022 Weeks 4 Resources and Reminders!
Dear Faculty Colleagues –
Thanks for all you have done to launch fall quarter! Remarkably, we are nearly halfway through. In this Resources and Reminders message you’ll find information on:
- Week 5 check-ins
- Academic Standing and Financial Aid policies
- Processing No-Credit reports
- Faculty directory updates
- Power outages and other disruptions
- Greener Bookstore (winter book orders due)
- Library winter course reserves
- Memorials and celebrations of life
- Academic Fair and Winter Catalog Updates
- Four-week lead time for media support for special activities
Week 5 Check-Ins: It’s almost Week 5, and time for mid-quarter check-ins with students. Please ensure that you contact all students who may face the possibility of not earning all credits so far this quarter, by Friday, October 28. Let students who may not be earning full credit know what they need to do to earn full credit, with a schedule for completing the work, if possible. Please consider that for students who are on track towards earning no credits at all, advising them to drop the course may be a good course of action (This could prevent a Required Leave of Absence down the line). When you communicate with students, we encourage use of supportive language such as “academic concern” or “academic progress” rather than “warning” or “in danger of losing credit.” Please encourage students to visit an academic advisor, and/or resources like the Writing Center or the QuaSR Center. For students you are concerned about (e.g., they have missed a lot of class or aren’t responding to your outreach) consider filing a CARE (Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation) report to help connect the student with additional support.
Academic Standing and Financial Aid Policies: Have you had a conversation with your students about our Academic Standing policy? What about the financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy? Are these included in your syllabus? Talking with students about these policies can help alleviate surprise, stress and panic down the line. Mid-quarter may be a good time to re-familiarize yourself and your students with these policies. Note there are somewhat different conditions for good academic standing and financial aid eligibility. When you meet with students who may be earning less than full credit, please advise them to keep their eye on their academic standing and financial aid standing. Encourage them to speak with Academic Advising (advising@evergreen.edu), Financial Aid (finaid@evergreen.edu), and/or the Academic Deans (deans@evergreen.edu).
Processing No Credit Reports: Do you have students who have dropped your program but still appear on the roll? If it’s appropriate, and if you haven’t already done so, it may be useful to fill out a no-credit report on my.evergreen.edu under the “class lists and evaluations” link, indicating the last date of attendance. By filling this out before the end of the quarter, the student will get notices regarding financial aid reimbursement and other registration actions much earlier than they otherwise would.
Faculty Directory Updates: We’re working on filling in some gaps and needed updates of the information in the Faculty Directory. If you notice a problem with your directory entry, please contact Karla at facultyhiringandcontracts@evergreen.edu.
Power outages and other disruptions. We encourage you to develop a contingency plan with your students that includes a back-up mode of emergency communication and clear ways students can carry on with work, even when synchronous meetings are not possible. Please review this handy set of guidelines from the Learning and Teaching Commons: https://sites.evergreen.edu/ltc/continuity/. The hope, of course, is that all students have equal access to earning credit even if they don’t have equal access to the power and wifi they need!
From the Greener Bookstore: Winter quarter book orders were due Tuesday, October 11th. If you have not done so already, please submit your book order via the “faculty resources” section of your my.evergreen.edu. Some winter CRN’s are not finalized yet, but please send Sara your book order with your fall CRN if yours isn’t available yet. Please include a note in the comments section that says it’s for winter quarter, and the title of your program. Sara will ensure that your winter quarter book orders get assigned correctly as soon as the CRN is available.
Please communicate all textbook questions, requests, and concerns to textbooks@evergreen.edu. If you plan to use open resource books, you still need to let us know what the books are. We must post all textbooks online one month before the quarter starts. If you are requiring art supplies, please contact bsartsupplies@evergreen.edu for all supplies questions
Course text reserves: the Library purchases a copy of all available course texts; please order them via the Greener Bookstore so the Library knows what those texts are. Thank you!
Memorials and Celebrations of Life: Question: to whom should I direct friends and family who are celebrating the life of an Evergreen employee or former employee and wish to use college facilities? The answer: Conference Services.
Academic Fair & Winter Catalog Updates: Academic Fair for winter quarter will be held remotely Wednesday, November 30th from 4-6 pm. Watch for additional details on updating your winter catalog descriptions and preparing for the Academic Fair in the next couple of weeks.
Media support requests, four weeks in advance. Request early, at least four weeks in advance of event. A reminder that AV classroom support is managed by Computing and Communications.
Thank you for attending to these reminders. We are here to support you–let us know how.
The Academic Deans | 360.867.6810
Rachel Hastings | Steff Beck | Marcia Tate-Arunga | Kevin Francis | Greg Mullins | Lori Blewett | Abir Biswas | John Caraher | Kristina Ackley