Recast | Evaluation Guidelines!

From: Academic Deans <>
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 9:17 AM

Hello Colleagues:

Welcome to evaluation writing season! We all want a smooth and equitable evaluation process for our students, staff and faculty alike. We urge you to review the attached set of guidelines carefully. Whether you have been writing evaluations for many years or are still new to it, please:

  • Focus on writing about the students’ work, and what they earned credit for.
  • Do not comment on what is not there, struggles, or what students failed to do; what you may think is a good story about overcoming obstacles may reveal personal information that is inappropriate for a long-term academic record.
  • Any pre-employment limitation we would have in speaking with a job candidate should also apply to our students: we should not comment on their gender, race, ethnicity, ability, economic standing, mental or physical health status and so forth. You can discuss student writing and projects that are centered on these aspects of identity, but please do so with discretion, student approval, and a general audience in mind.
  • Be careful in making comments about personal characteristics such as “a sunny disposition,” “introverted,” “low energy.” Keep the writing about the work. 
  • Please keep in mind our messaging about gender markers. We are now encouraging faculty to write evaluations without pronouns for the reasons explained here
  •  Do you write with dashes? Ampersands? Did you know these do not translate in the evaluation system (and each has to be edited out)?

Thank you, thank you for revisiting these attached guidelines and for continuing to diligently work toward student-centered practices that foster student success at Evergreen. Best wishes on the close of your 2020-21 academic year!


Academic Deans

Program Secretaries

Inclusive Excellence and Student Success

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