Workshop: Hypothesis Recording

The Evergreen State College now has a subscription for Hypothesis, a social annotation tool installed directly in your Canvas LMS. Adding Hypothesis to readings in Canvas supports student success by placing active discussion right on top of course readings, enabling students and teachers to add comments and start conversations in the margins of texts.  Learn more about how Hypothesis has been used at Evergreen over the past two years, how it can help you and your students navigate remote learning, and how to get started.

For those who could not make the sessions, you can access the recording here. The password is: Qdn3HrU$

Comments about Hypothesis from Evergreen faculty:

“Hypothesis solves problems with seminar which I’ve been struggling with for over a decade.”

 “[Hypothesis] made it possible for students to make their knowledge common, to learn from each other, to show up in ways they otherwise might not have been able to. . . I would highly recommend it as a low-stakes way to “get on the same page” with your students – a minimum of framing is all it takes to get very lively and engaging writing anchored at every turn in the text. Excellent way to prime the pump for seminar, for instance”

“This tool is a hybrid teaching gift.” 

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