RECAST | Winter 2020 | Week 3 | Resources & Reminder

Dear Colleagues:

We hope that your winter quarter is well under way. Special thanks to all of you who have gone the extra mile to include students in your programs, sponsor their independent work, and make them feel welcome at Evergreen.

Required Title IX Training: For those of you who did not attend one of two fall Title IX training sessions, we have scheduled another live training in winter quarter on Tuesday January 28th from 2pm to 6pm at the Evergreen Tacoma campus. Please note that this annual live training is required of all faculty, so plan on attending this session if you have not done so already.

Grant Deadlines:

  • SURF Faculty Applications Due Jan 24, 2020. Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships help faculty advance their creative and scholarly work by matching them with capable undergraduate research partners. If you are interested in applying for a SURF for this summer, please submit a proposal by January 24, 2020. More information and guidelines are here:
  • Kutter Fund applications due Jan 31, 2020. The Kutter Fund for Microbiology Research at Evergreen supports faculty-directed opportunities for students to engage in ongoing microbiology research projects in laboratory, field, and agricultural settings. More information about this grant opportunity can be found here:
  • PLATO Lecture Series proposals due February 7, 2020. This lecture series is meant to enhance the understanding of computing within the liberal arts tradition, both at Evergreen and in the larger Olympia community. Application information is available here:

All-Campus Mentoring Day: Winter Mentoring Day will be held in week 7, on Wednesday, February 19, from 2:00 to 4:00. Please share this event with your students. Better yet, bring your class to Mentoring Day! For information and questions email

Week 5 Check-Ins: Week 5 is almost upon us, which means time for mid-quarter check-ins with students who may not be earning all of their credits. Check-ins are an opportunity to let students know what they need to do to earn as many credits as possible, including a realistic schedule for completing the work.

Program/course books on one-day reserve at Library: The Library and the Greener Bookstore continue to place all required books on one-day reserve. Please let students know that these books are available for them; Circulation will gladly answer questions about how it works. Thanks to all of you who submitted book orders in time to facilitate this process.

Making student work public. If your students are compiling and posting their work on websites, WordPress sites or other public spaces, we one encourage you to have conversations with them about how much personal information is posted, what the lifespan of the site might be, and who has permission to change it—potentially years down the line. This may not seem to be a pressing issue for students in the moment, but it can present unique challenges in the future. Please discuss carefully with them.

Upcoming Learning and Teaching Commons Conversations and Workshops:

Trauma-informed Teaching Practices (Week 3)  Wednesday, January 22; 4-5:30 pm (potluck);  SEM II E-3107. Presenter: Tara Hardy One of the prevailing elements influencing our classrooms, campus, and world, today is the impact of trauma. In this session we will discuss our experiences and explore response/restorative strategies.

Workshop: What Does It Mean To Be College Ready? (Week 4) Thursday, January 30;  3:00 PM – 5:00 PM; Purce Hall 1. Presenter: Dr. Rebecca Campbell ( This interactive workshop will examine the two sides of the readiness coin, the students and the college experience. 

(Please be sure to consult The Commons WordPress site to note upcoming events)

We are here to support you. Let us know how.

The Academic Deans | 360.867.6810

Kathleen Eamon| Marcia Tate-Arunga | Greg Mullins | Karen Gaul |Therese Saliba | Trevor Speller | Larry Geri

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