RECAST | Fall 19 | Week 3 | Resources and Reminders

Autumnal Greetings!

We hope your quarter is off to a great start. Please take a few moments to review these Resources and Reminders. (We are attaching the R&R from 0-week for review and ready reference).

Academic Statements, Resources, and Advising: Fall is the season when full-time programs should include at least 6 hours of in-program work on the Academic Statement. A suggestion for this year: consider setting aside dedicated time at the end of each week for synthesis and integration. This builds a practice of reflecting on the learning in an ongoing way. Be explicit that these sessions—which can include reflective writing—are meant to feed into the Academic Statement writing process. Resources for in-program work are on the Academic Statement Canvas page.  If you have questions, you can always email the Mentor Council.

Syllabus and Covenant Submission Deadlines: As a reminder, the deadline for submitting your Fall quarter syllabus and covenant was last Friday, October 11.  If you have not done so already, please turn in your syllabus and covenant via the online form. You can also access the submission form via your page. Turning in your syllabus will not only help us with accreditation, but will also help your students as they go on to future graduate programs or other educational institutions. The syllabus can help demonstrate the full breadth of your program so that it can translate directly to completed prerequisites or some other type of academic credit.

Grants Deadlines: An announcement about faculty funding opportunities through Faculty Foundation and Sponsored Research grants went out last week via email. Foundation grants are paired with an opportunity to take a leave without pay for a possible award of $10,000. The deadline for submission is October 25, 2019 at 5:00pm. Please contact Karen Gaul if you have any questions.

Evergreen Foundation Student Grants: Available for students to either travel to a conference at which they are presenting, or to support capstone projects. These are very modest (perhaps a few hundred dollars), and are granted on a rolling basis while funds are available. We aim to spread these funds over the course of the three quarters.

Internship and ILC Deadlines Reminder: Please remember to help your students get their INT/ILC applications submitted on time. The deadline for Winter Quarter is Friday, December 13, 2019. Students need to have their study plan in place well ahead of time in order to have a successful quarter.


Upcoming workshops from the Learning and Teaching Commons

Fostering Student Academic Success
WK3: Tuesday, October 15 | 12-1 pm | SEM II-E 3106

What strategies can we use before Week 5, to help students stay on track for success? Come share advice and practices in this round table discussion. All staff and faculty are welcome!

The BIG SIX: Using the Six Expectations to Frame Student Learning
WK6: Thursday, November 7 | 12-1 pm | SEM II-E 3106

In what ways do the Six Expectations frame and support student learning? Staff and faculty are invited to explore this during informal discussion.

The Art and Science of Evergreen’s Narrative Evaluations
WK8: Tuesday, November 18 | 12-1 pm | SEM II-E 3106

Some narrative evals are “good”  . . . and some aren’t. What makes a strong narrative evaluation?  How can we organize ourselves and data to write them? And how are the Six Expectations helpful here? Come explore these topics over lunch!


Academic Standing: Please notice students who are having difficulty with engagement or keeping up with the work and connect them with valuable resources on campus such as Academic and Career AdvisingThe Writing CenterThe QuaSR, Student Wellness Center, and Access Services.  Students not making Satisfactory Academic Progress are at risk of losing their place at the college. If students do not earn at least 75% of attempted credits for two quarters in a row, they are placed on Academic Warning.  Many students are surprised and upset when this happens (and perhaps faculty are surprised too).  In many cases, this outcome can be avoided by directing students to seek academic support early in their program

SURF Poster Presentations: Friday afternoon, October 18, from 3:30 to 5:00 on the Library Mezzanine. Please come and learn about summer projects and help celebrate another successful year of Summer Undergraduate Research

Summer School Proposals: A friendly reminder that Summer School Proposals are due by Friday, November 1. Please remember that if you want an earlier offering copied forward, you can contact Tricia Bateman, who has that power. Also, make sure your schedules are in the Schedule Evergreen system by the deadline for your offering to be considered.

Human Subjects Review: As students begin to develop research projects over the next few quarters, please advise them about the Human Subjects Review Process. You may want to re-familiarize yourself with the criteria by which projects might require an actual review. Please note that the vast majority of our students’ projects are not a systematic investigation, leading to generalizable knowledge, which will reveal private identifiable information about human subjects. Thus, they would not require a full review protocol. We invite you, as faculty advisors, to monitor this process. You may want your students to fill out the application as an educational exercise, but please be advised that due to staffing limitations, we are not able to review all such applications. It is up to faculty supervisors to help discern which applications warrant submission for full review to the team. Please send completed applications to or to


Classroom Management and Disruption Guidelines 2018: Please see attached for guidelines


Karen Gaul | Larry Geri | Kathleen Eamon | Greg Mullins | Therese Saliba | Trevor Speller

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