Animating the Sea: Motion, Light and Eyes

Faculty: Ruth Hayes, M.F.A., and Pauline Yu, Ph.D.


Coastal/Rocky Shores

Beluga Whale Delphinapterus leucas

Beluga whales are a sub-arctic and arctic cetacean of the family, Monodontidae, also known as white whales.  They are adapted to life in the arctic and are most likely to be found in the shallow coastal waters of the Arctic… Continue Reading →

Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)

Copyright 2020 R. Rain© *essay work still in progress* Taxonomy:Kingdom: Animalia, Pylum: Chordata, Subphylum: Vertebrata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Carnivora, Infraorder: Pinnipedia, Family: Phocidae, Genus: Phoca, Species: vitulina The Harbor Seal, also known as the Pacific harbor seal or common seal,… Continue Reading →

Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)

✦ By L.C. ✦          The harbor seal’s scientific name is  phoca vitulina, which means “calf-like seal”, this most likely being due to their neotenic appearance; namely, they have huge eyes for seeing in the dark, and… Continue Reading →

Moon Snail (Naticidae)

The Naticidae, more commonly known as the moon snail, belongs to the class Gastropoda and the order Littorinimorpha. Gastropods are a class of animals containing snails, slugs, limpets, and sea hares. There is a large variety in shape, size, and… Continue Reading →

Otariid and Phocid locomotion

            Living in the pacific northwest it is not uncommon to see a Harbor Seal (phoca vitulina) or California Sea Lion (zalophus californiaus) at some point in a residents life. However, it is just as common for these two to… Continue Reading →

Swimming Movements of the Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

By Daye Glisson The Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is considered one of the top predatory fish in the ocean.  They can grow to lengths of up to 6.5m and weigh as much as 2250kg.  White sharks are primarily found in the cooler… Continue Reading →

The Swimming Locomotion of Orcas and the way they Interact in a Pod

By Katie Pestinger The orca (scientific designation Orcinus orca), also known as the killer whale, is the largest dolphin species, and one of the most widespread, living in portions of all of the world’s oceans (National Geographic). They are impressive… Continue Reading →

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