Animating the Sea: Motion, Light and Eyes

Faculty: Ruth Hayes, M.F.A., and Pauline Yu, Ph.D.



Bioluminescence is an adaptation used by many deep sea organisms. In the deep ocean light sensing organs are the predominant form of communication and many organisms possess bioluminescent organs of some kind. Bioluminescence is used as part of camouflage for predation tactic or as means of escape from predators.
The bioluminescent light is created by bacteria. The organisms have a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria — providing it with food. The bacteria provides the organism with the light used for camouflage, predation and escape. The bioluminescent light from the bacteria is produced by a reaction between the luciferin substrate and luciferase enzyme.

Black Seadevil (Melanocetus)

This deep sea fish is from the family Melanocetidae in the order Lophiiforms (anglerfish), commonly referred to as black seadevils. “Melanos” deriving from the Greek word for black and “cetus” meaning whale or sea monster. There is only one known… Continue Reading →

Copepods (Copepoda)

Copepods are marine creatures that live in the deep of the ocean. In the first scene you see a Copepod moving to the ocean floor to dig in the ground and look for food. The Copepod uses its legs to… Continue Reading →

Glowing Shrimp Acanthephyra Purpurea

Within the depths of the ocean,  resides many different forms of life some that appears to be almost alien by comparison. Through evolution these creatures have developed an interesting defense mechanism for fighting off predators. When threatened this type of… Continue Reading →

The Ninja Lanternshark (Etmopterus Benchleyi)

DeVante Givens The Etmopterus Benchleyi or what is commonly known as the Ninja Lanternshark, is a species of the Etmopterus family with the ability of bioluminescence. Now what is bioluminescence? Bioluminescence is a biochemical emission of light of living organisms… Continue Reading →

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