by Miranda Gress Macropinna microstoma, also known as the barreleye fish, is a fascinating deep sea fish that is found mostly off the coast of California and the North Pacific. Measuring at about six inches long when fully grown, these… Continue Reading →
Beluga whales are a sub-arctic and arctic cetacean of the family, Monodontidae, also known as white whales. They are adapted to life in the arctic and are most likely to be found in the shallow coastal waters of the Arctic… Continue Reading →
This deep sea fish is from the family Melanocetidae in the order Lophiiforms (anglerfish), commonly referred to as black seadevils. “Melanos” deriving from the Greek word for black and “cetus” meaning whale or sea monster. There is only one known… Continue Reading →
The Balaenoptera Musculus, also known as, the Blue Whale is the biggest species of animals to ever live. Not only is it the largest creature, it is also the loudest creature on earth, being louder than a jet engine, and measuring up to 100 ft long and 200 tons, this certainly is a fascinating creature
by Natalie Pogar The Bobbit Worm, although rumored to have been named after an unfortunate event in the 90’s, is true to have bear-trap jaws and a surreal looking iridescent body. With the Bobbit Worm’s length being 1-3 metres, its… Continue Reading →
By Kayleigh Faur The ocean is a big part of our planet, so much of it is unexplored. There seems to be more knowledge about space than what’s hidden in the depths of the sea. Gradually we have been able… Continue Reading →
by M.B. Physiology The Mimic Octopus is a master of camouflage. They grow to about 60 centimeters long (2 feet), and their natural skin pattern consists of beige and brown bands, although they often display dark brown and white bands… Continue Reading →
Mollie Fain The organism I have been researching is the Ocellaris Amphiprion which is commonly known as the False or Common Clownfish. It is a fish that lives in coral reefs and shallow lagoons, in general they are found in… Continue Reading →
Zoe Gregorio The Common Cuttlefish (Sepia Officinalis) is a part of the class Cephalopoda, order Mollusca making it a Cephalopoda Mollusca.[1]. The class Cephalopods are considered to be a part of the order Mollusks, so they have the same general… Continue Reading →
Isadora Colpo The common merganser belongs to the family anatidae, which includes ducks, geese, and swans, and within that, the subfamily anatinae (Delacour & Mayr, p 7). The anatinae subfamily molts twice a year and has sexual dimorphism in voice… Continue Reading →