
Selected Maps by Zoltán Grossman

(book by Zoltán Grossman, 2017)

Examples of Native/non-Native Environmental Alliances (B&W)

Western Washington Tribes (B&W), (color)

Tribes and Dams of the Columbia Basin (B&W), (color)

Lakota (Sioux) Treaty Lands (B&W) , (color)

Mining in Montana (B&W) , (color)

Military Projects on Western Shoshone Lands (B&W), (color)

Military Projects on Ho-Chunk Lands (B&W), (color)

Fossil Fuel Basins and Northwest Ports (B&W 2nd page)

Treaty Rights and Mining in Northern Wisconsin (B&W) , (color)

Proposed Crandon Mine in Wisconsin (B&W), (color)

Proposed Penokees Mine by Wisconsin’s Bad River (B&W)

Thanks to Amelia Janes (Earth Illustrated Inc.) for converting earlier color maps to black & white.

(book by Winona LaDuke, 1999)

Nuclear Waste on Native Lands (color), (B&W

Native Nations’ Land Losses & Destruction of Buffalo Herds to 1890 (B&W)

Native Nations’ Land Losses to 1890 (color)

Industries at Akwesasne (Mohawk Nation)

Northern Cheyenne flight & mining

Buffalo in Yellowstone

Buffalo Commons

Hawai’i Military Lands

Military Flight Range in Nitassinan (Innu Nation)

Seminoles and Panthers in Florida

Land Recovery on White Earth Ojibwe Reservation, Minnesota


Threats to Native Lands in Western North America (for Honor The Earth’s Indigo Girls Tour)

Mining in Northern Wisconsin (updated by Carl Sack)

Great Lakes Treaty Lands and Reservations

Ojibwe (Anishinaabe) Nation

Anishinaabe Migration Journey

Possible nuclear waste sites and routes in Wisconsin

Cyanide Routes to Wisconsin Mines 

Indian Mascots in Wisconsin Schools


Washington-North Dakota Oil Fracking Connection

Bakken Oil Fracking Monster (conceptual map)

Migrations of New York Indians to Wisconsin (Wisconsin’s Past and Present)

Ho-Chunk Removals  (Wisconsin’s Past and Present)

Environmental Controversies in Wisconsin (Wisconsin’s Past and Present)

Menominee traditional lands, treaty cessions, and reservations  (Menominee Clans Project)

Native Nations of the Plateau (for “Terrain: Plateau Native Art & Poetry” exhibit at Evergreen Gallery)


U.S. military bases map in the Mideast (color), (B&W)

U.S. military bases global network (research)

Khuzestan in Western Iran (Z magazine)

Arabian Peninsula History

India and the Narmada Dams (in books by Arundhati Roy, Vandana Shiva, & Eqbal Ahmad)

Mexico & U.S.-Mexico Borderlands & Remaking of U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (in books by Joseph Nevins & John Ross)

Eurasia ethnic regions (The Mapping Specialist)

Erecting the New Wall in Europe (Z magazine)

Colonies and Self-Declared States

Disputed Territories of the Middle East

Southern African anti-apartheid wars (Africa Facts on File)

Colombia (for book by Fr. Javier Geraldo)

Accent marks for place names 


Plata, Cris. Migration Road (CD). Map of monarch butterfly migration & migrant worker routes (2015).

Nevins, Joseph. Dying to Live: A Story of US Immigration in an Age of Global Apartheid (2008). Mexico & the U.S. Mexico Borderlands, U.S.-Mexico Borderlands in Southern California, Remaking of U.S.-Mexico Borderlands

Honor the Earth. Military Toxins and Native Land (2008).

Rigoulet-Roze, David. Eurorient 26 (2008), pp. 55-98.

Cloke, Paul, et al, eds. Introducing Human Geographies (Hodder Arnold Publication, 2005). Military bases map.

LaDuke, Winona. Indigenous Peoples, Power & Politics (2004).

Shiva, Vandana. Water Wars. Boston: South End Press (2002).

Nevins, Joseph. Operation Gatekeeper. New York/London: Routledge (2002).

Roy, Arundhati. Power Politics. Boston: South End Press (2001).  India and the Narmada Dams map

Mapping Wisconsin History, by the Wisconsin Cartographers’ Guild and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin (2000). Teachers guide to the 1998 Wisconsin atlas.

Gedicks, Al. Resource Rebels: Native Challenges to Mining & Oil Corporations. Boston: South End Press (2000).

Ahmad, Eqbal. Interviews by David Barsamian. Boston: South End Press (2000). 

LaDuke, Winona. All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life. Boston: South End Press (1999). See maps above.

Chief editor of Wisconsin’s Past and Present: A Historical Atlas by the Wisconsin Cartographers’ Guild, Produced maps concentrating on depicting minority and environmental histories. Three printings by the University of Wisconsin Press (1998-2002). Master’s Thesis on development of the Atlas (1998). Samples: Progressive & Labor Histories, African American History & 1960s, Environmental Controversies,  New York Indians,  Ho-Chunk Removals 

Ross, John. The Annexation of Mexico. Monroe, Me.: Common Courage Press (1998).

La Duke, Winona. Pte Oyate: Buffalo Nations, Buffalo Peoples. Minneapolis: Honor the Earth (1998).

De Blij, H.J., & Peter Muller. Geography Realms, Regions, and Concepts.7th ed. New York: John Wiley (1996). Designed and compiled maps.

Giraldo, Father Javier. Colombia. Monroe, Me.: Common Courage Press (1996). Colombia map

Rand McNally wall map series on world history (1996).

Katz, Jane, ed. Messengers of the Wind: Native American Women Tell Their Life Stories.New York: Ballatine Books (1995). Designed and compiled map.

Africa on File series. New York: Facts on File (1995). Example: Southern African anti-apartheid wars

Whaley, Rick, and Walter Bresette. Walleye Warriors: An Effective Alliance Against Racism and for the Earth. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers (1994).

USA Today.Shots Heard Round World” September 15 global conflicts map (1992).

Social Studies Series. Textbooks by Houghton Mifflin, adopted by California school system (1991). Designed and compiled maps.

Nation of Nations. New York: McGraw-Hill (1989). Designed and compiled  McGraw-Hill U.S. history textbook maps: Indians at Contact, Natural Environment of the West, Spanish America, Indian Removal, Indian Frontier, Mexican War, Carolinas-Caribbean, Shiloh (Civil War), Southern plantation, Caribbean interventions, Pacific interventions, Cold War Europe, Hispanic/Asian population 1986, Latin America 1990, Middle East 1990