Evergreen State College

Photoland Handbook

 Usage Policies

The following policies are to be followed at all times while in Photoland. These policies are intended to create an inclusive, safe, clean, and comfortable environment that will foster an atmosphere of learning. We should all take care to maintain our facilities.

Please read the following carefully. All faculty, staff, students, and community members utilizing the facilities in Photoland are required to sign and return an acknowledgment that they have read and understand the Usage Policies of Photoland.

*Campus wide Covid health and safety policies may override our typical handbook policies. Please see Photoland staff for current COVID safety guidelines.

Policies for using the DIS:

  1. Anyone using the DIS must first fill out Photoland’s Access Form. Community members will also need to fill out a community member agreement form.
  2. You may reserve up to two work sessions at a time up to a week in advance. Visit the Photoland desk to make a reservation for the DIS. You may also call the desk at (360) 867-6274 to make a reservation.
  3. Work sessions are two hour time blocks.
  4. Computers in the DIS may not be reserved during class times.
  5. You must arrive for your reserved time within 15 minutes of your reservation time or your time slot will be forfeited.
  6. You must be cleaned up and out of the DIS by the end time of your reservation time.
  7. You may drop in to use the DIS but there are no guarantees that a computer station will be available for your use if you do not make a reservation in advance. If there are computers available and unreserved when you drop in, you may use one.
  8. When coming in for your reserved work session, check in at the Photoland front desk. A lab aide will take your Evergreen ID and checkout any equipment to you that you may need before showing you to your work station 
  9. If you have any questions while working in the DIS, see the lab aide on duty.
  10. No eating in the DIS. Drinks are allowed in covered containers only.
  11. No unauthorized printing is allowed from the DIS computers. If you need help with large format printing, see the lab aide. Black and white laser jet printing is available in the library proper.  
  12. Your computer station should be cleaned and left in the same condition as when you checked in. Please take care of the space and clean up after yourself.
  13. The door to the DIS should remain closed at all times. Do not let anyone enter the DIS. If someone comes to the door, instruct them to go around the corner and see a lab aide at the Photoland desk.
  14. Scanners should be turned off and the reflective scanning cover should be put back in place after use. Negative carriers should be returned to their proper locations and don’t forget your originals!
  15. Please use headphones for listening to music and be considerate of others need for a quiet workspace.
  16. Any injuries whether they are minor or major, will be reported to Lab Aides, who will then contact Evergreen Police Services. In the case of major injuries DIAL EVERGREEN POLICE EX 6140!! When in doubt DIAL 911! First aid kits are located throughout the area.
  17. The Lab Aides will close the facilities at the designated time. You may not stay in the lab areas after open lab hours or when Lab Aide is not present. If you do not vacate the labs when asked, your lab privileges will be revoked.
  18. Students need to keep areas clear and free of debris that may impede on someone walking through a space or otherwise moving throughout Photoland.
  19. The DIS computers are NOT a place to store work. These are shared computers that are wiped and reimaged regularly, at least once a quarter. DO NOT STORE YOUR WORK ON THE COMPUTERS IN PHOTOLAND.

Policies for using the Darkroom:

  1. Anyone using the darkroom must first receive a proficiency. We ask that you complete the entire film processing and darkroom proficiency prior to using the darkroom.
  2. You may reserve up to two work sessions at a time up to a week in advance. Visit the Photoland desk to make a reservation for the darkroom. You may also call the desk at (360) 867-6274 to make a reservation.
  3. Outside of class work sessions are two hour time blocks.
  4. Enlarger stations in the darkroom may not be reserved during class times.
  5. You must arrive for your reserved time within 15 minutes of your reservation time or your time slot will be forfeited.
  6. You must be cleaned up and out of the darkroom by the end time of your reservation time.
  7. The darkroom lights will go on half an hour before closing and you will be given a 15 minute warning before that happens.
  8. No screens, phones, or any light sources are allowed inside the darkroom. These will mess up EVERYONE’S work if they are brought into the space so please be mindful of this.
  9. You may drop in to use the darkroom, but there are no guarantees that an enlarger station will be available for your use if you do not make a reservation in advance. If there are enlargers available and unreserved when you drop in, you may use one.
  10. When coming in for your reserved work session, check in at the Photoland front desk. A lab aide will take your Evergreen ID and checkout any equipment to you that you may need.
  11. If you have any questions while working in the lab, see the lab aide on duty.
  12. No eating or drinking in the darkroom.
  13. Your enlarger station should be cleaned and left in the same condition as when you checked in. Please take care of the space and clean up after yourself.
  14. White lights should remain off in the darkroom at all times. Safe lights only.

Policies for using the Special Projects Darkroom & Alternative Processes Area:  

  1. To use the Special Projects Darkroom, you must first obtain a darkroom proficiency 
  2. Photoland does not provide chem or paper for alternative processes outside of coordinated classes and workshops.   
  3. The 8×10 enlarger in the Special Projects Darkroom requires a separate proficiency to use. A regular darkroom proficiency does not cover the mechanics of that enlarger.  
    1. The 8×10 enlarger proficiency is only given on special request – speak to the photography lab supervisor or head of instructional photography if interested in more information.
    2. The Special Projects darkroom can be used for alternative processes without the 8×10 enlarger proficiency.   
  4. You may reserve up to two work sessions at a time up to a week in advance. Visit the Photoland desk to make a reservation for the darkroom. You may also call the desk at (360) 867-6274 to make a reservation.  
  5. Outside of class work sessions are two hour time blocks 
  6. You must arrive for your reserved time within 15 minutes of your reservation time or your time slot will be forfeited.  
  7. You must be cleaned up and out of the darkroom by the end time of your reservation time.  
  8. The darkroom lights will go on half an hour before closing and you will be given a 15 minute warning before that happens.  
  9. You may drop in to use the special projects darkroom, but there are no guarantees that it will be available for your use if you do not make a reservation in advance. If it is available and unreserved when you drop in, the lab aides will schedule you in.  
  10.  When coming in for your reserved work session, check in at the Photoland front desk. A lab aide will take your Evergreen ID and checkout any equipment that you may need.  
  11. If you have any questions while working in the lab, see the lab aide on duty.  
  12. No eating or drinking in the darkroom.  
  13. The Special Projects darkroom should be cleaned and left in the same condition as when you checked in. Please take care of the space and clean up after yourself.  
  14. Media Loan will check out the portable UV lights for a maximum of 1 week to trained students.

Policies for using the Studios:


  1. Anyone using the studio must first receive a studio proficiency. Studio proficiencies are set up through specific photo programs, but the LED studio can be accessed without having taken a studio program. 
  2. You may reserve one two hour long studio session at a time up to a week in advance. Visit the Photoland desk to make a studio reservation. You may also call the desk at (360) 867-6274 to make a reservation.
  3. Studio may not be reserved during class times.
  4. You must arrive for your studio session within 15 minutes of your reservation time or your time slot will be forfeited.
  5. Studio reservations are 2 hour time blocks. You must be cleaned up and out of the studio by the end time of your reservation.
  6. You may drop in to use the studio but there are no guarantees that a studio will be available for your use if you do not make a reservation in advance. If no one has the studio reserved, you can use the studio during open lab hours.
  7. When coming in for your studio reservation, check in at the Photoland front desk. A lab aide will take your Evergreen ID and checkout any equipment to you that you may need. Then they will walk you down to the studio and look over the equipment with you to make sure everything is in order.
  8. If you have any questions while working in the studio, use the phone on the wall by the door to call up to the lab aide for assistance at (360) 867-6274. They will also be in and out of the studio frequently to check on you. It is important to understand that the studios are public spaces – do not expect privacy in the studio. If you are doing a more sensitive shoot, communicate the need for privacy to the lab aide in advance.
  9. When you are about 10 minutes from being ready to leave the studio, use the phone on the wall by the door to call up to tell the lab aide you are ready to checkout (360) 867-6274. Do not come back up to Photoland – the lab aide will come down to look over the studio with you and you’ll come back upstairs together to return your equipment and to get your Evergreen ID back.
  10. The studio should be cleaned and left in the same condition as when you checked in. Please take care of the space and clean up after yourself. Repeated neglect of the studio will result in loss of studio privileges.
  11. You may prop the door open to leave the studio to go to the bathroom. The doors will lock behind you so be careful and see the lab aide if you get locked out. Make sure to close the door when you return.
  12. Studio equipment must never be removed from the studio. Please put everything back in its proper place when you are finished using it.
  13. The Profoto B10 kits are available to be checked out for use on location. The checkout period for the B10s is 1 day. Late fines will apply and checkout privileges will be revoked for repeated late returns.
  14. Do not tear or cut any of the seamless paper. If paper is looking ragged, inform the lab aide. Please treat the backgrounds carefully – remove shoes before walking on it, no paint or liquids on the backdrops, etc. We will not be able to replace backdrops mid-quarter so please be kind to them and eachother!
  15. When finished with the seamless paper rolls, re-roll the paper back onto the rolls. Do not leave the paper unfurled. If you are having trouble rerolling the paper, call the lab aide office to have someone assist you. Do not force it closed! 

* These policies apply to everyone who utilizes Photoland; including students, staff, and faculty. Failure to follow these policies will result in your lab privileges being revoked.


The Evergreen State College


Health & Safety Policies

Photoland has tried to minimize safety and health problems in the lab as much as possible but, because of possible risks associated with exposure to some of the chemicals and materials used in the lab, it is important that each person using the lab develop an awareness of how to handle equipment and chemicals in such a way that no one is endangered.

Please read the following carefully. All faculty, staff and students enrolled in photo classes or otherwise utilizing the labs are required to sign and return an acknowledgment that they have read and understand safety procedures and the risks associated with the use of any of the facilities in Photoland.

Darkroom Area:

Since nearly all of the chemicals used within the darkroom environment can cause eye burns, it is very important that you use caution. If for some reason eye contact with chemicals occurs, flush eye thoroughly at eye wash station.

2) Lab coats are strongly suggested (but not required) when handling chemicals.  
Since many of the chemicals used in the darkroom can be hazardous, contact and absorption through skin should be minimized or eliminated.  Skin contact with chemicals may also cause burns, irritations or allergic reactions.  Should contact with skin occur, wash affected areas with plenty of soap and water. (Common sense would therefore dictate that you shouldn’t put your bare hands in any of the trays or beakers of chemicals)

3) Pregnant people should consult with their physicians before any activity in the darkrooms. Exposure to darkroom chemicals can be potentially toxic to the embryo or unborn children.  Please consult with a physician for more information.

4) Make sure that darkroom ventilation fans are turned on. The fumes from photographic chemicals can be hazardous if they accumulate in an enclosed space. When working in the darkroom, always know where the exhaust vent is located. Trays in the Darkroom should be covered when not in use in order to minimize vapor buildup.

Since chemicals used in the darkrooms create airborne fumes, vapors and mists, any food or drinks brought into the darkroom environment can quickly become contaminated, meaning as you ingest your food, chemical toxins are also ingested.  Ingestion can cause liver and kidney damage.

6) Anyone with pre-existing skin disorders, respiratory problems, eye problems, or impaired liver or kidney problems should consult with their physician before continuing any activity within the darkroom.

7) It is a good idea to have a hand towel with you while working in the lab and you should take care to dry your hands before handling the enlarger or any electrical equipment.

8) Keep your hands away from the dry mount press or mounting iron when they are heated. Exercise extreme caution when using mat knives or exacto blades.

Special Projects Darkroom and Alternative Processes Area: 

*All darkroom health and safety apply to these areas* 

  1. Trained students & staff/faculty may bring in specific photographic chemicals to use in the for alternative processes in the special project’s darkroom BUT they must first register the chemicals with Photoland’s permanent staff (Carrie Chema or Gail Dillon-Hill). This includes paper that was coated with chemicals outside of Photoland’s facilities.  
    1. Only permanent staff can approve chemical registration. Do not attempt to bypass this step by bringing it to the student staff in Photoland. 
    2. To register your chemicals, you will need to email photolandstaff@evergreen.edu to schedule a meeting. In the email you should include the names of the chemicals and the chemical SDS form.  
  2. Registered chemicals should only be brought into Photoland in their original containers. 
  3. No personal chemicals should be stored in any of Photoland’s facilities, including lockers.  
    1. If you have a long-term project with a specific end goal, you can speak with Gail or Carrie about options for storing your chemicals. 

General Safety within Photoland:

1) Only art and design supplies and materials are allowed in the studio.

2) All Labs and corridors should be kept clear of all debris. Nothing is to be hung, mounted, or installed in any area of Photoland.

3) Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the Evans Hall building.

4) Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the Evans Hall building.

5) When using any cutting tools be sure to use caution and only cut on the cutting mats that are provided in the lab. Never cut on the tabletops unless protective mats cover them.

6) A maximum of one extension cord will be used in each outlet. Never overload electrical circuits. Keep cords dry at all times and store them when they are not in use.

7) No solvents or flammable materials are allowed in the Evans Hall building or Photoland. Spraying any kind of adhesive or spray paint is not permitted in the labs or common areas.

8) You may not store your bike inside of the Evans Hall building or in Photoland, there is a bike rack outside of the main entrance.

9) Do not climb on top of any countertop, table, or chairs. We have step ladders available for use with the assistance of a lab aide. Please do not use a step ladder without speaking to a lab aide first.

10) Throughout Photoland, all spills should be mopped up immediately.

*All students, faculty and staff are expected to read and understand all of the risks and procedures outlined in this document.  Failure to comply with any of the policies outlined above will result in loss of lab privileges. A full disclosure of the hazards associated with the chemicals used in the photo lab is available in Photoland for your inspection. 


The Evergreen State College


Media Checkout Policies

Please read the following explanation of rules and policy regarding checkout of equipment from Photoland. These rules DO NOT apply to equipment loans from Media Loan. Certain equipment can only be checked on for use in the Photoland spaces, while a few pieces are available for STUDENTS ONLY to check out for use at home or on location.

1) All students must present a valid Evergreen ID in order to check out media or otherwise utilize the Media Checkout services. All users have a current Photoland Access Form on file with Photoland in order to check out Photoland gear. 

2) For programs using our space: All Photoland Access Forms must be filled out and returned to Photoland by the third Thursday of each quarter. If students do not have their forms on file, they will not be allowed access to any equipment or media within Photoland. 

3) Equipment is not to be checked out unless the user has already received instruction in the use of the equipment from a teacher or lab aide. If the user is unsure of any aspect of the equipment or its operation, they should ask their instructor or a lab monitor for a review.

4) Certain items will be available for checkout on a priority basis to students, at the discretion of the department.

5) Each time equipment or media is checked out, it will be logged into a computer based cataloguing system.

6) Each user is fully responsible for loss or damage of equipment while in their possession. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure that all equipment is in proper working condition prior to leaving Photoland.

7) The user is never, under any circumstances, to loan the equipment to anyone at any time.  All transfer of equipment must be handled through Photoland.  Only the user whose name the equipment is checked out under is responsible for the equipment until it is returned to the media checkout desk and marked returned.

8) It is the user’s responsibility to confirm the exact date and time that the equipment will be returned.

9.) Profoto B-10 Kits can be checked out by students with the correct proficiencies for a max of one day.



1) Late return of equipment (failure to show up at the due date and time for return) will be noted and fines will be assessed.

2) If you habitually turn in equipment or media late, it will result in revocation of checkout privileges for the remainder of the quarter.

3) If unforeseen circumstances arise, and someone cannot return their equipment on time, they need to inform the workers in Photoland. However, phoning in does not necessarily absolve the person of the late fines.

Contact photoland at (360)867-6274 or via e-mail at photolandstaff@evergreen.edu

4) Transfer of equipment from one person to another without following correct checkout and return procedures will result in revocation of Photoland privileges for the remainder of quarter.

5) Failure to resolve issues regarding lost or damaged equipment will result in suspension from Photoland, and may result in a hold being placed on your account which can hold up your registration. Habitual mistreatment of, or damage to equipment while in your care will result in permanent revocation of Photoland privileges.

* Please treat the equipment as if it were your own. If you are unable to adequately safeguard the equipment, please do not check it out.

* The above rules apply to all Photoland users!