There are a few spaces in Photoland that require a proficiency to use, the main ones being our black and white film processing area and our black and white darkroom. To be able to take the darkroom proficiency, you must first complete the film processing proficiency. There are only 6 spots available in each session, all spots are first come, first served. These sessions are open to all currently enrolled students, current staff and faculty at Evergreen, and community members. Community members will need to pay a proficiency fee of $15.00 which will cover both sessions.

For your film processing proficiency, you will need to bring an exposed roll of 35mm, black and white film to process during the session. You will not be able to participate without this. You may choose to bring 120mm film if that is your forte, but be aware that the proficiency will be geared towards 35mm processing. 

If you would like to attend a proficiency session, please see the schedule below. After looking at the schedule, please reach out to Photoland staff via email at or via phone at (360)-867-6274 and we will let you know if there are still spots available in that session.

Spring 2024 Proficiency Schedule

All proficiency sessions below will start the first two hours with the black and white film processing proficiency and then the remainder of the time will be for the black and white darkroom proficiency. If you would only like to attend one portion of the session, please email to see what the options are.

Week 3: Friday April 19th – 11:00am – 3:00pm

Week 5: Friday May 3rd – 11:00am – 3:00pm

Week 7: Friday May 17th – 11:00am – 3:00pm

**If you had a proficiency in either of these areas from prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, you will still need to retake your proficiency. If you have taken a proficiency since we returned in 2021, we will have a record of it and can get you scheduled into the space you are hoping to use.**