“Photoland” is the home of Evergreen’s Instructional Photography and Photo Production Services. These areas provide academic and photo production support for the Evergreen State College, and offer limited access for the local community.

Photoland is open in-person for currently enrolled, Evergreen students, staff, and faculty as well as Olympia community members. We also offer remote services such as digital printing and film processing.

OUR SERVICES, EQUIPMENT, AND FACILITIES MUST NEVER BE USED FOR WORK THAT IS FOR PROFIT! This means you can not use our printers to make prints that will be for sale, you can not process film or work in the darkroom on photos that someone has paid you to take, and you can not use our computers or cameras for paid photography or editing.

Please email us at photolandstaff@evergreen.edu with any questions regarding access to the space or about our facilities in general.

Location: Library 1310