I Must Love My Killer: Photographs by Natalie Shirley

Artist Statement: 

“I took these photos as a part of an Independent Learning Contract with Carrie Chema. I wanted to explore the idea of female inadequacy during the shift between girlhood and womanhood. The concept is to represent the constant performance of femininity and the line between disgust and desire. I took inspiration from the 1950’s idealism toward an American Dream that never truly existed and the act of performing beauty rituals because one feels that they must. I wanted to invoke a sense of unease, voyeurism, and stagnation.”

You can follow Natalie, her art, and her antics on her instagram @nataliekasin

This work was shot digitally in a studio environment.

Canvas Prints 13×19


Curated by: Natalie Shirley, Gail Dillon-Hill, and Rose Shepherd