Faculty Notes

The Learning and Teaching Commons celebrates notable faculty accomplishments through Faculty Notes. Each year we collect notable publications, presentations, appearances, recognitions, awards, exhibits, performances, research, or other accomplishments to celebrate the incredibly talented faculty at Evergreen.

We invite you to explore the many accomplishments of our Evergreen faculty in Faculty Notes.


We encourage submissions from faculty who teach in the Tacoma, Native Pathways (NPP), Evening and Weekend Studies (EWS), Olympia Day, and graduate curriculums.

Notes should be written in the third person and kept short (no more than 200 words, please!). Notes may include images, documents, and links to online materials.

Faculty Notes are featured on this site and in the June edition of the Commons Newsletter. To include your note, complete the submission form by May 31st

For inspiration, we invite you to review some past editions:

[Tacoma, 2020] [Winter, 2019] [Spring 2017] [Winter, 2017] [Spring/Summer, 2015] [Fall/Winter, 2015] [Fall/Winter, 2014]