Gaming and Puzzle Weekly Meetup

Gaming and Puzzle Weekly Meetup

May 22, 2024 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
The Evergreen State College - CAB 116 – Staff and Faculty Lounge

Come together and enjoy a fun activity with colleagues!  


When: Noon to 1 p.m. weekly, every other Tuesday beginning April 2 and every other Wednesday beginning April 10

Where: CAB 116 – Staff and Faculty Lounge


This weekly meetup is a time for faculty and staff to come together to play board, card games or do puzzles together with other faculty and staff.

Folks are welcome to bring a game or puzzle they want to share with the group. All levels of experience with board games, card games, and puzzles are welcome to join – folks can learn a new game or play a familiar classic.

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