LTC Salon | March 6 | Supporting Undocumented Students

Julie Russo is the 2023-2024 Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar. Her salon series provides an informal space for faculty discussion of teaching practices and challenges. See her complete bio on our website.


Dear colleagues,   

I hope you’ll join us for the last LTC Salon of winter quarter. These informal gatherings are an opportunity to come together for generative conversations around topics relevant to teaching and faculty life.This week’s theme focuses our attention on ways that rising anti-immigrant rhetoric (intensified by upcoming elections), as well as changes in immigration policy, are impacting our students. We will also discuss current threats to DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and the Amicus Brief that Evergreen signed on to in favor of MALDEF’s appeal in Texas v. United States: the 5th Circuit case involving the legality of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Come learn about needs and challenges faced by immigrant and undocumented students at the college, how you can support these students at Evergreen, and what resources are available. Several distinguished cohosts will be joining me for this Salon: 
  • Diego López, Undocumented/Underserved Student Support Specialist
  • Catalina Ocampo Londoño, Member of the Faculty and Undocumented Student Task Force Co-chair
  • Juanita Hopkins, Multicultural Initiatives Coordinator for BLISS and Undocumented Student Task Force Co-Chair
We will be delighted to talk with you 1-3pm on Wednesday March 6 – and you need not stay the whole time. Find us (plus tea and snacks) at the Learning and Teaching Commons (Sem II E3123). invitations 
  • Meet Diego and learn what services he offers to students as Undocumented/ Underserved Student Support Specialist
  • Supporting our students: learn what to listen for, know, and share
  • Discuss immigration in the media, national politics, and the status of DACA as the case against it heads to the Supreme Court
  • Understand more about Evergreen signing onto Amicus Brief in support of DACA
  • Give feedback on the undocumented students Canvas training (in development)
Evergreen resources 
further resources 
Yours in solidarity, Julie, Diego, Catalina, & Juanita
Julie Levin Russo, PhD
Member of the FacultyThe Evergreen State College
she/her pronouns (what’s this? )
Media Arts & Studies | Gender & Queer Studies
Curricular Area Team LeaderLearning & Teaching Commons: Faculty ScholarUnited Faculty of Evergreen: Co-Chair

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