From: Academic Deans <deans@evergreen.edu>
Date: Friday, September 17, 2021 at 10:11 AM


Dear Colleagues:  

Welcome to Fall 2021!! We look forward to seeing your faces here and there on campus as we cautiously make our way back [partially] to working in person. We are grateful for your summer work in a range of institutes, and we hope you have found some new tools to help you prepare your syllabi and your programs. Time to dig in to fall! Please read this set of reminders with care. 


Covid Policy for Syllabi: We shared this policy statement for your syllabi in a previous email. For the sake of clarity and consistency, please include this covid policy language in your syllabus, community agreement and/or canvas site. As a reminder, if any of you are ill, please do not come to campus. Please inform your teaching partner and/or Deans, and we will support you.  

Syllabi and Canvas support tools. As you wrap up your syllabi and Canvas site, please use the wonderful guidelines offered in the Syllabus Skeleton and in the document, Welcoming Students to Inclusive Learning Spaces. Here you will find guidelines for inclusive approaches to names and pronouns, ways to welcome and support students with a range of access needs, and so much more. Additionally, the Canvas template already contains so many of the policy links and statements that students need to get oriented. Bridget Irish has offered direct support on: Canvas (+ Zoom, Microsoft 365, Hypothes.is); new curricular template for Canvas; WordPress; student portfolios using WordPress; communicating with students; creating community online. Reach out to Bridget directly or through https://help.evergreen.edu

Registration Tracking Forms: Be sure to return your Week 1 tracking forms (accessible from the Faculty section of my.evergreen.edu under “Class Lists and Evaluations”) to the Registrar’s office by the end of week one. Knowing which students listed are not attending your program or course is very important for those students’ future interactions with Registration and Financial Aid. An oversight at this early stage might mean entering a [false] “no credit” for those students later, which can have major consequences for them.   

Adding/dropping. If students are adding your program or course be sure they have completed the necessary paperwork through the Registrar’s Office. The deadline for adding or dropping a program or adjusting credits is October 1st for a 100% refund; October 8th is last date to drop without it counting toward attempted credits for Financial Aid; October 26th is last date to drop with 50% refund. Please be sure to help students with their settling in and communicate clearly with Registration and Records about who lands where, and whether students are in or out of your programs (including anyone you are not sure about!).  

Submitting Syllabi and Community Agreements: The deadline for submitting your Fall quarter syllabus and agreement is October 11th. If you have not done so already, please send your fall syllabus and covenant to us using the convenient Submit Syllabus and Community Agreement link from the Faculty section of your my.evergreen.edu page. Turning in your syllabus will help us support students, meet our accreditation standards, and better understand the overall state of syllabi and covenants across the college. 


The CARE Team: The CARE Team looks to colleagues across the college–and especially faculty–to orient students to the resources available at Evergreen. They encourage you to be familiar with services and make direct referrals to students for whom you are concerned. Making a referral online to the CARE Team will ensure that any additional actions offered by the CARE Team will occur. The CARE Team can guide you in making those referrals. Please contact the CARE Team at care@evergreen.edu for questions or information. The Team is here to partner with you on addressing your concerns.  

Faculty Professional Travel: It’s been a while since faculty have traveled to conferences! Whether for  in-person conferences, or registration for virtual events, please remember that all professional travel needs to be applied for in advance through the online formWe do not offer reimbursements after the fact.  

Faculty Grants: This year, we will be offering Sponsored Research Grants to faculty.  Sponsored Research  Grant Applications are due October 25, 2020 by 5:00pm (No late applications accepted).  

Academic Statements: Fall is the season when full-time programs include at least 6 hours of in-program work on the Academic Statement or in advising students through their time at Evergreen Half-time programs should include at least three hours during the quarter. Consider a weekly shared reflection on the learning and/or using the academic statement as an occasion for one-on-one conversations about students’ needs, hopes, and academic direction. Resources for in-program work are on the Academic Statement Canvas page.   

From the Bookstore: The Bookstore wants to extend a great big WELCOME to everyone returning to campus for the 2021-22 school year. We are working with a smaller crew this year so if people can get their textbook orders in ASAP that would be great!  Until our grand re-opening on September 22nd we’re still accepting online orders: https://www.evergreen-greener-bookstore.com/. Starting September 22nd the Bookstore will be open 8am – 4pm Monday through Thursday. 

Thanks for attending to these reminders! Please let us know how we can support you. And thanks again for your tremendous work!  

The Academic Deans | 360.867.6810 

Karen Gaul | Elizabeth Williamson | Marcia Tate-Arunga | Larry Geri | Kathleen Eamon | Greg Mullins | Lori Blewett | Abir Biswas 

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