Recast | Faculty Association with Fields of Study & Paths

From: “Betz, Amy” <>
Date: Monday, April 19, 2021 at 1:26 PM

Hello everyone,

As we continue to move forward with implementing Paths in the Olympia Undergraduate Curriculum, we are asking all faculty to re-associate yourselves with the updated list of active Evergreen Fields of Study and Paths by Monday, April 26th.

Why should I do this?

By associating yourself with Fields of Study and Paths, you are updating your faculty profile on the Faculty Directory, and the connections of your faculty profile to Path and Field of Study Webpages, as well as the Catalog.  To be clear, this is strictly for use in managing your published online presence and is not in relation to tracking faculty commitment to Paths.

If I am not teaching in the Olympia Undergraduate Studies, should I do this?

Yes! All faculty should associate themselves with the Fields of Study. Both Undergraduate and Graduate Studies have fields of studies that combine with curriculum that is posted in the catalog. Please do not associate with a Path, unless you are teaching in Olympia Undergraduate Studies.

How do I do this?

  1. Go to your, choose “Profile” in upper right corner.
  1. Scroll down past Faculty Information to Paths and Fields of Study

If you have any questions or issues with the process, please let me know! Our goal is to have this work completed to update our online information, Path and Field of Study pages, Faculty Directory, and Academic Catalog as soon as possible, for accuracy of our information!



amy betz |Director of Academic Initiative Integration and Support

The Evergreen State College | 360.867.5870

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