RECAST | Take the Evergreen COVID Faculty & Staff Survey

From: McAvity, David <>
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 4:22 PM

Dear Colleagues,

We know the changes at Evergreen in response to COVID-19 have been challenging for our entire community. We’re sending this survey to check in with our faculty to how you’re doing. We want to know how you feel about our response to COVID-19 and if there are things we can do to support you through this difficult time.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may stop taking the survey at any time or choose not to answer particular questions. You may also go back and change your responses. The survey is short and should take about ten minutes to complete.

Your responses are anonymous. The survey is being administered by an independent organization, and we will only receive survey data after your responses have been grouped together with the responses of other individuals and information that might identify you (e.g., your name, email address, identifying information from the computer on which you take the survey) has been stripped from the data. Please note, anything you write in text boxes in response to open-ended questions will be sent to us exactly as you write it. If you do not want us to know who you are, please do not write anything in your text

We would appreciate hearing from you so we can get a better sense of how our faculty are doing and ways that we can help. Thank you for your time. To begin, please click one of the links below.

Since faculty and staff positions at Evergreen sometimes overlap, you are welcome to opt in to whichever survey suits you best; the faculty survey is structured for those currently teaching.

Faculty Survey:

Staff Survey:

If you fit into both categories equally you may choose to take both surveys.

If you have questions about this survey, you may contact Coral Garey, Research Associate at Evergreen, at or Lisa Kidd, Research Analyst and Data Manager at the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium,

Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences.

Best wishes,


David McAvity | he-him | Interim Provost and Vice President for Student & Academic Life | The Evergreen State College | 360.867.6400

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