Plant Profiles in Chemical Ecology

The Secret Life of Plants

Category Phenolics

The Suicide Tree

  A 51-year-old woman, with a history of drug overdose, suicide attempts and depression was admitted to the ER complaining of nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and chest tightness. She had a heart rate of 30 beats per minute, well below the… Continue Reading →

Why Tree Shrews Lick the Inside of Their Toilet

Pitcher plants secrete a fruity nectar to share with rats, shrews, bats, and any other brave enough to collect the reward. Although these plants are picky with who they share with; they produce anti-fungal and antibacterial compounds in their digestive fluid so they don’t have to share nutrients with microbes.

Evidence Confirms Health Benefits of an Ancient Chinese Sweetness!

A staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, ‘goji berries’ have recently received a lot of attention in science communities worldwide, and for good reason!

What Do Beaver Butts And Vanilla Have In Common?

High prices in natural vanilla flavoring have driven a search for alternatives. Can beaver butts provide the answer?

Turmeric: the Golden Guru

Turmeric, the rhizome of the Curcuma longa plant, has been an integral component of many cultures for thousands of years. A vibrant dye, revered ceremonial symbol, and a powerful healing herb, turmeric has a colorful history and a bright future…. Continue Reading →

Wheat: The power to rise and collapse civilization

For thousands of years’ wheat has been the fuel for the rise of civilization, but does it also carry the power for the collapse of it?

The True Cost of Finding The New “Superfood”

When a wild indigenous food all-of-a-sudden becomes internationally desired we are quick to overlook the hefty price tag but what else are we overlooking?

Sunflowers : Beautiful, oily, and versatile

For having a relatively short evolutionary history, the common sunflower has found a place in many aspects of everyday life. From food, cosmetics, and even fuel, the sunflower is as versatile as they come.

The House Plant That Does It All

Sunburns, dry skin, dehydration, constipation; the answer to all these problems lies within the leaves of this prickly pal.

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