Emergent Strategies for Students with Disabilities | Commons Seminar

Emergent Strategies for Students with Disabilities | Commons Seminar

Facilitated by Jess Tourtellotte-Palumbo, Kat Harmon and Emily Pieper 

[Zoom registration*] | [Session Materials]

Drawing from the powerful discussions found in “Emergent Strategy” by Adrienne Maree Brown we will rise to the challenge of creating a future that accepts the truth that all students are not the same. We will articulate the continued need to accept students for who they are as people and as learners in a world that is constantly evolving. Our session will; 1) examine executive functioning and how it affects students’ ability to process information and overall learning in the classroom. 2) reflect on the importance of understanding cognitive load theory. 3) strategize ways we can intentionally adapt as staff and faculty to create curriculums and a campus culture that embraces students with disabilities and others with diverse learning styles/needs. 4) generate ideas to create versatile spaces where students with disabilities feel like they belong in higher education and are an integral part of the Evergreen community. We will provide readings and worksheets on executive functioning, ADHD, time management, and assignment planning/tracking to better understand students’ learning experiences and how to support their academic journeys.

*Once you register, you will receive an email from zoom with information to connect to the session.

The Commons Seminars provide an opportunity to engage in seminar with colleagues about the unique nature of teaching at Evergreen. Open to all campus community members – faculty, staff, and students.

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