


Tribal Disaster Resilience, Climate Change, and the Move to Higher Ground on the Washington Coast,” to the American Association of Geographers.


“Olympia’s Hidden Histories”: Tribal Collaboration in StoryMaps Walking Tours, to the American Association of Geographers (AAG), Denver, and Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA), Toronto, on the series of four StoryMaps walking tours.


Evergreen Indigenous Geography and Climate Projects, to Critical Edge Alliance conference (Paris), Evergreen student orientation, Sustainability Across Regions series (Germany), and “Washington Tribes: Leading the Way to Combat Climate Change” conference (at Squaxin Island Tribe’s Little Creek Resort), Deschutes Estuary Restoration Team.

Podcast interview by Sound Defense Alliance on “Military Presence and Its Impact on Communities” in western Washington, and Evergreen students’ Basewatch website. KBOO interview.

Video:Ukraine (Borderland),” to Economics for Everyone teach-in (0:20), Progressive magazine forum with Phyllis Bennis, and to Evergreen teach-in on “The Role of Historical Geography and Cultural Identity in the Present Crisis in Ukraine” (1:53).   Article, KPFA interview, WORT interview


Video: Removing Barriers: Restoring Salmon Watersheds through Tribal Alliances. Faculty and student presentation on book at Evergreen’s Equity Symposium (49 min.) Zoltán Grossman presentation on book project (20 min.) to American Association of Geographers (AAG) online conference.

Video: “The Role of Solidarity and Unlikely Alliances,” part of “Indigenous Food Sovereignty Movements & the Role of Solidarity” panel hosted by Community Alliance for Global Justice (presentation at 1:13).

Video: Militant Far-Right Movements and the Consequences of “Fascism Denial,” part of Evergreen panel on “The Arc of History?: Contexts and Consequences of the Assault on Democracy


Video: Panel on Rebecca Solnit’s A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster, Fall 2020 Convocation at The Evergreen State College.

Video: The Resilience Doctrine: Disaster Cooperativism in the Climate and Pandemic Crises. Part 1 (Individualism & Community, 26 min.) & Part 2: State Authority & Mutual Aid,  31 min.) to the Pandemic Academy at The Evergreen State College. 4-part Counterpunch article series, & links from presentations.

War in Iran?: A Geopolitical Backgrounder, to Olympia Forum on the Iran Crisis. Article.


Let’s All Go to the Marae”: Manākitanga in Māori Disaster Resilience,” to the 2019 Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) conference in Kirikiriroa (Hamilton), Aotearoa New Zealand, 2020 National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (Institute of Tribal Environmental Professionals & BIA Tribal Resilience Program), and 2021 American Association of Geographers (VIDEO) Facebook album, NZ newspaper coverage, Counterpunch article (2/3/21).

Interview about territorial and ethnic borders on Left Ungagged.


The Continuing Occupation Function of U.S. Military Bases in Hawai’i” to the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) conference in Los Angeles.


Book talks and interviews on Unlikely Alliances: Native Nations and White Communities Join to Defend Rural Lands.


Unlikely Alliances: Where were the Cowboys at Standing Rock?,” to the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) conference in Vancouver B.C. 

Introduction to 2nd annual Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium
at Evergreen Longhouse.

“Mapping, Indigenous Research Ethics, and the ‘Global War on Tribes’,” presentation to the University of Victoria Department of Geography, B.C. Powerpoint (2/24/17).

Video: Water is Life Forum, comments on Standing Rock and Northwest fossil fuel resistance, The Evergreen State College Longhouse (starts at 5:33:30).

Presentation to Crosscut Festival on “When Free Speech Becomes Hate Speech.”


Fascist Movements as Competitors for White Hearts and Minds, at Evergreen forum on post-election future.

Video: The Resilience Doctrine: Disaster Cooperativism in the Climate Crisis,  part of Evergreen’s Anthropocene Consortium Series. Powerpoint parts 1 & 2

: Category Controversy: What Does It Mean To Say Anthropocene?, part of Evergreen’s Anthropocene Consortium Series

Teaching and Connecting to the Pacific from/in the Pacific Northwest, panel at Native American & Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA), Honolulu


Video: Introduction to Indigenous Climate Justice Symposium, The Evergreen State College Longhouse

Maori Opposition to Fossil Fuel Development in Aotearoa New Zealand, to Native American & Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) in Washington DC, 2015, and Association of American Geographers (AAG) in San Francisco, 2016


Native Resistance to the Fossil Fuel Industry in the Pacific Northwest, to Association of American Geographers (AAG) in Tampa, and Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) in Austin. Testimony & maps on Grays Harbor oil terminals. Interview: KBOO (10/12/15)

Shipping: The Achilles Heel of the Fossil Fuel Monster, to Olympia Confronting the Climate Crisis, and classes at The Evergreen State College. Interview: Black Sheep podcast (7/29/13) Map of fossil fuel ports

Crisis in Ukraine, at The Evergreen State College (online presentation). Interviews: Talk Nation Radio & KPFA Flashpoints (3/13/14), KPFK Sojourner Truth (3/18/14, 13:30).


Asserting Native Resilience: Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Face the Climate Crisis at Association of American Geographers (AAG) in Los Angeles (2013) and TEDx Evergreen talk (video) on Asserting Native Resilience book (2012)

Unlikely Alliances: Treaty Conflicts and Environmental Cooperation Between Native American and Rural White Communities, PowerPoint at Native Scienceconference at Pitzer College, Claremont CA (2013), Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Chicago (2006); and Keynote at U.W.-Stevens Point Earth Day, and talk at U.-W-Eau Claire Faculty Forum (2005).

Winona LaDuke interviews Zoltan Grossman on Unlikely Alliances, KKWE Niijii Radio, White Earth, Minn, (7/2/14).

The Resilience Doctrine at Association of American Geographers (AAG) in Los Angeles (2013).

The Global War on Tribes, at Association of American Geographers (AAG) in Los Angeles (2013), and Middle East Film Festival, The Evergreen State College (2010). Interview


Climate Change and Pacific Rim Indigenous NationsPowerPoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) in San Francisco (2007), Tribal Water Rights Conference (Squaxin Island WA 2007),Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians climate change conference (Seattle 2008),Native Peoples/Native Homelands II (Shakopee MN 2009),Coast Salish Climate Change Summit (Tulalip WA 2010),Associated Tribes of Northwest Indians traditional knowledge workshop (Seattle 2011), Coast Salish Gathering (Cowichan BC 2012)

New U.S. Military Bases: Side Effects or Causes of War? on new base clusters from Iraq, Somali, Yugoslav and Afghan wars. Geography Graduate Student Symposium, U.W.-Madison. Video of Seattle FoR presentation (2012)  Interview (RealAudio) on “Between the Lines” (9/28/07), Interview (Podcast) on WUSB (8/13/07), Interview (Real Audio) on KPOJ (9/25/07), Interview (RealAudio) on Pacifica Radio (6/10/03), Veterans for Peace Hour on Thurston County TV (2009), Newspaper quotes (2006)

Blood and Borders: Tradition and Transformation in Central Europe: Evergreen class lectures on Mapping Empires, Cold War/post-1989 Geopolitics, Soviet Bloc Environment & Economy, GDR Dissent,Soviet National Question, Yugoslav Wars, Fascist Movements


Militarized and Globalized Landscapes in Panama since the U.S. Withdrawal. PowerPoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting in Seattle.

Angel Island: Layers of Empire in San Francisco Bay part 1, part 2 to A People’s Geography of American Empire program, The Evergreen State College.


“Who’s the Illegal Alien, Pilgrim?”: Intersections between Indigenous and Immigrant GeographiesPowerPoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting in Washington DC, and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) conference in Tucson. Presentation text  Report on Tucson protests

Afghanistan: the Roach Motel of Empires, PowerPoint at The Evergreen State College teach-in. Interview on This is Hell (WNUR, 12/5/09)

Colonial/Corporate and Community-based Solutions to the Climate Crisis, PowerPoint at Traditions and People’s Assembly (Olympia), EcoNvergence conference (Portland).

Reindigenizing Place Names and changing Sq – – – Point on the Evergreen campus (with Laura VerMuelen) at Day of Presence workshops.


Pomegranates and Grenades (poem and video), Bison Restoration, Wild Rice, Native American Food Sovereignty powerpoints to Evergreen spring quarter class on Food, Place and Culture.

Conceptualizing Native Place program at The Evergreen State College Nisqually watershed podcasts student project

From Nisqually to Iraq: Placemaking and Reclaiming Space at Fort Lewis, powerpoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting in Las Vegas.


Mining issues panel at Indigenous Environmental Network’s Protecting Mother Earth Conference, Western Shoshone Nation, Nevada, with Bob Shimek, Debi McNutt, Carrie Dann, and others.

The United League of Indigenous Nations and Cross-border Cooperation PowerPoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting in Boston.

Washington Treaty History for Our Place in History teacher development Quinault, Wash.

Anti-War Resistance at Ports Around Fort Lewis  presentation at AAG in Boston.


Opening introduction for Citizens’ Hearing on the Legality of U.S. Action in Iraq: The Case of Lt. Ehren Watada (Tacoma, January 20)

War with Iran? A Geopolitical Backgrounder on Khuzestan PowerPoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting in San Francisco, and to Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace forum and Evergreen State College programs.(article & map

Relations between Left & Indigenous Movements to Evergreen program on Political Economy and Social Movements


Facing West: Manifest Destiny & Overseas Imperial Expansion  and Global Geopolitics powerpoints to Evergreen State College programs on Imperialism and Anti-Indianism.

The U.S. Antiwar Movement: Getting Local and Keeping Positive, to Evergreen program on Political Economy & Social Movements

A People’s Geography of American Empire, with Dr. Joseph Nevins (Vassar College).PowerPoint and script on joint book project at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Chicago.

Native American Environmental Justice and Sacred Site Protection powerpoints to Evergreen State College program on Indigenous Peoples and Ecological Change.

“What To Do When Hate Groups Come to Town,” Unity in the Community panel at 1st Christian Church, Olympia


Rich Tribes, Rich Jews: Comparing the New Anti-Indianism to Historic Anti-Semitism PowerPoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Denver, and Act 31 Conference at U.W.-LaCrosse.

“Diversity in the Classroom: “Multicultural Pedagogy Panel Discussion” at U.W.-Eau Claire.


Revitalizing Native Traditions: Back to the Future PowerPoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Philadelphia, and in2005 Native American Awareness Week, U.W.-Eau Claire.

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890 PowerPoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Philadelphia.

Defending a Common Home: Native/non-Native Alliances Against Mining Companies in Wisconsin, With Dr. Al Gedicks at “Challenges and Paths to Justice” annual conference of the Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, Marquette University (Milwaukee).

Indigenous Cartographies,  Native Countermapping, and First Nations Mapping powerpoints to U.W.-Eau Claire and River Falls cartography classes


Somali Immigrants in Small Minnesota & Wisconsin Communities Faculty/Student Research Collaboration with Jessica Schaid.PowerPoint at Wisconsin Geographical Society (WGS) annual conference, Eau Claire, and at Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2004 conference, Philadelphia.

Removal Reversed: Native/non-Native joint management of reclaimed lands, on Kickapoo Valley, Sauk Prairie, and Crandon mine sites in Wisconsin. PowerPoint at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, New Orleans; and the Wisconsin Geographical Society (WGS) annual conference, Eau Claire

The Wars in Iraq, the Geographies of September 11Environmental effects of warfare and nuclear power powerpoints for UWEC Human Geography and International Environmental Issues courses course. Interview on Iraq on Pacifica Radio’s Peace Watch (6/10/03)

Geography Bee and Kent State Memorial Rededication


Effects of White Racial Advantages in Environmental Alliances, on Wisconsin Ho-Chunk/farmer alliances against low-level jet flights, bombing range, and Perrier, at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Los Angeles.


Afghanistan war (U.W.-Madison, Aurora University, WilMar Center).


“Place membership” in ethnic conflict management: the case of Native Americans and white ranchers/farmers, on rural environmental alliances in Oregon, Montana, and South Dakota, at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, New York.

Native environmental justice and the Crandon mine (PowerPoint). Lecture with Kenneth Fish (Menominee). Summer Institute on Environmental Justice (U.W.-Madison) and Western Mining Activists Network conference (Albuquerque).

Workshop organizer,”Who Owns America? III” conference, Land Tenure Center, U.W.-Madison, with Antone Minthorn (Umatilla), Charmaine White Face (Lakota), and Chuck Sleeter (Wisconsin).


Geographies of Inclusion: Interethnic Alliances for Environmental Protection, on Wisconsin spearfishing and mining disputes, at Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual conference, Pittsburgh. Winner of 2000 AAG American Indian Speciality Group student paper competition. Also at WestLakes AAG, (Northern Illinois University, DeKalb), and Midwest Sociological Society conference (Chicago).

Treaty rights and anti-Indian groups, with Andrew Gokee and Debra McNutt, Western States Center training (Portland, Oregon)

Geography as a discipline, at high school teachers’ in-service training, Madison.

Multiracial coalition building, at Camp Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells.

Chechnya conflict in Russia, at WilMar Center (Madison).


Fall: Lecturer for Map Reading and Interpretation, U.W. Madison. University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Spring: Teaching Assistant in “Global Patterns and Processes: AnIntroduction to Human Geography.”

Yugoslav conflict, at Edgewood College, WilMar Center, Friends House, Pres House (Madison). Radio4All interview.

Treaty Rights and Sovereignty, Department of Public Instruction teachers’ in-service, and Wisconsin Sociological Society conference, Pyle Center (Madison).

Geographic/historical field trip in southwestern Wisconsin, U.W.-Madison Honors Program.


Wisconsin historical atlas presentations at Folklife Festival (Madison), Wisconsin Council on Social Studies (Middleton), Map Society of Wisconsin(Milwaukee) Teachers’ Training (Milwaukee), Brown County Museum(Green Bay), Milwaukee County Museum (Milwaukee), Wisconsin Public Television.

Native environmental issues, in U.W.-Madison classes in History.Environmental Studies, Geography, Anthropology, Rural Sociology, and Sociology.


The Anti-Indian movement and interracial bridge-building, at Center for Democratic Renewal conference (Atlanta) panel with Rep. John Conyers; Center for New Community conference (Chicago).

Grassroots Organizing in the New Corporate Era at St. Benedict’s Center (Middleton).


Organizing skills, at College of the Menominee Nation (Keshena, Wis.).


White supremacist group histories, United Church of Christ, Janesville.


Mining and Native Americans, at Lac du Flambeau Res., Mole Lake Res., Lac Courte Oreilles Res., University of Wisconsin-Madison classes, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point panel, Madison Area Technical College panels, various Madison-area public schools.


Mapping/art, at National Artists’ Coalition conference (Austin, Texas)panel with Guillermo Gómez-Peña.

Somalia conflict, at Pres House (Madison).


Chippewa spearfishing conflict and Witness training, in Madison, Lac du Flambeau, Boaz, Oshkosh, Watertown, Eau Claire, Minneapolis, Evanston, etc.


Maps and cartography, at various Madison-area public schools.


Philippines slideshow, Chicago, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, University of Wisconsin-Madison.


European anti-nuclear movement, various workshops in U.K., West Germany.


Interventions and nuclear weapons, various presentations atUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison.


South African nuclear program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Marquette University (Milwaukee), Midwest Watershed conference (Chicago; on panel with South Africa poet and boycott leader Dennis Brutus).


International alliances, at Black Hills International Survival Gathering (South Dakota).


Black Hills mining/Native rights workshops in West Germany, France, Belgium, Switz., Neth., U.K.