Author Archives: Julia Metzker

RECAST: New Academic Directions 20/21 Workgroups

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: McAvity, David
Date: Oct 22, 2020, 1:57 PM -0700
To: All Faculty <>
Subject: New Academic Directions 20/21 Workgroups

Dear Colleagues, 

I am writing with information about the New Academic Directions (NAD) implementation and planning work that will be happening this year. As I mentioned at the first faculty meeting of the year, we are taking a phased approach to NAD starting with strategies what will substantially increase enrollment and create a path to financial stability.  Some components will move forward with implementation this year, some will enter a planning phase for implementation starting next year, if/once funding can be identified and plans are developed, and some elements need further design and development either for feasibility analysis or to incorporate feedback from the feasibility team and feedback sessions. 

Faculty input and advice will be a critical piece of the next stage of the NAD.  To that end, we are currently seeking faculty interest for participation on the NAD workgroups listed below.  The highest priority workgroups are noted with an asterisk. 

If you have a particular interest in serving on any of these NAD workgroups, please send an email to JuliA Metzker ( These workgroups will count towards faculty governance and will be included in a general call for governance opportunities next week. 

We will “kick-off” this next phase of Evergreen’s New Academic Directions at the Curriculum Planning Retreat.  In addition to providing time for workgroups to convene, there will be opportunities for deeper conversation and listening available to all faculty. Please plan to join this launch event on Wednesday, November 4th 1:00- 4:00 pm.  Details are forthcoming. 


Faculty Membership: 5-6 faculty, aiming for one faculty member from each CAT, working with the Standing Committee on the Curriculum, who will play a role.   

Goal: Build capacity to offer high-quality, competitive certificates that bring new students to Evergreen and allow Evergreen students to “stack” credentials as they progress towards matriculation.    

Expectation: Advise the Certificate Programs Implementation team by providing faculty perspective on certificate systems and policy development. Develop a systematic ongoing process for reviewing and approving proposals for certificates and use that process during the year to start 4-8 certificates by Fall 2021.  

Paths of Study*  

Faculty Membership: CAT Leaders plus 2-3 other interested faculty. 

Goal: Assist the Paths of Study workgroup during the 2020-21 academic year to develop and carry out a plan to fully implement Paths of Study at Evergreen.  This will provide fully integrated academic systems that will improve the awareness of current and prospective students regarding the paths of study available to them and the curricular options within and between Paths.    

Expectation:  CAT Leaders will assist the workgroup with the overall implementation of this project, and particular elements, including:  1) developing and implementing a shared and consistent strategy for coordinating path development and communicating paths to the different audiences for Paths; 2) Assist with crafting a process for developing and approving new paths, retiring existing paths, updating path names and merging paths, and assist with implementation of that process when the details of an undergraduate schools model are clear.   

Holistic Advising – Advising Roles, Structures and Expectations*  

Faculty Membership: 4-5 faculty from among the path convenors  

Goal: Develop a student-centered advising ecosystem that integrates advising for high-quality academic decisions and effectively coordinates delivery of student services in support of holistic student success.   

Expectation: Work collaboratively with IESS, SAL, and other student facing staff to make recommendations for the faculty role in holistic advising. Align advising structures with Paths of Study.   

Holistic Advising – Academic Policy and Practices Review*  
(design and development)  

Faculty Membership: 5-6 faculty, aiming for one faculty member from each CAT.   

Goal: To improve equitable access to learning and credit for students by creating guidelines for faculty to create syllabi, community agreements, and credit policies that are equity-producing, transparent, and promote student success and belonging.  

Expectation: In collaboration with a team of staff, faculty, deans and directors, review policies and practices for developing syllabi, community agreements, and credit policies; to identify barriers to students and to develop guidelines for equitable practices.  

School of Graduate and Professional Studies  
(design and development) 

Faculty Membership: One faculty member from each graduate program and 2-3 other faculty members interested in creating professional studies and workforce development offerings and credentials within this school.  

Goal: To create a proposal for a School of Graduate and Professional Studies that increases enrollment in graduate programs and new professional studies credentialing programs, while realizing resource efficiencies through coordination of administrative and support systems.  

Expectation: In collaboration with a team comprised of graduate faculty, deans, graduate directors and assistant directors to develop a proposal for review by the feasibility team.   

School Design – Undergraduate School(s)  
(design and development)  

Faculty Membership: 5-6 faculty, aiming for one faculty member from each CAT working with the Standing Committee on the Curriculum.  Native Pathways Program and Evergreen Tacoma may develop proposals in coordination with this group. 

Goal: To develop a proposal with timeline for developing, marketing, and launching an undergraduate schools model proposal that is recommended through a faculty vote in Fall 2020 after feasibility analysis and approval by Senior Leadership.  

Expectation: In collaboration with a team of faculty, directors, deans and staff in enrollment services and college relations develop a plan for phased implementation of the schools model by fall 2022.    

Hybrid-Online Learning 
(professional development followed by design and development)  

Faculty Membership: 8-10 Faculty interested in Hybrid-Online Learning   

Goal: Develop capacity among Evergreen faculty to design and deliver high-quality, experiential learning in online and hybrid modalities. Advise on the creation of certificates, coordinated studies programs, and/or course sequences that can be offered in low residency or online modes accessible to part-time or remote students.   Offer 3-4 pilot online courses or programs beginning Fall ‘21. 

Expectation: Complete a funded online teaching certification as part of a community of practice supported by Academic Technologies and the Learning and Teaching Commons. Advise the  certificates workgroup in the development of proposals for certificates that feature low residency options.  Participants will use what they’ve learned, to develop and teach online, hybrid, or low-residency classes or programs during the 2021-2022 academic year.    

Workforce Development  
(design and development, with fall 21 initial pilot, possibly with additional adjunct faculty lines)  

Faculty Membership: 3-4 faculty with an interest in workforce development  

Goal:   Conduct an analysis of state and federal programs that support workforce development, identify funding sources. Connect those programs to Evergreen strengths. As a pilot, develop a set of courses that will address real-time needs for workforce development, looking at statewide data related to workforce, such as those emerging from COVID-19, among other data points. These courses would launch in fall 2021.  

Expectation:  Develop a proposal for workforce development programs at Evergreen, to include certificate programs and low residency options. Work closely with curriculum team and CAT leaders to develop pilot course proposals and identify faculty needs and resource requirements to start in fall 2021. 

(design and development) 

Faculty Membership: Ideally one faculty from each Path 

Goal: Build upon the capstone work from this summer to further develop capstones as a strategy to improve curricular cohesion for students.    

Expectation: Work collaboratively with faculty in your Path group and capstone stewards from other paths to finalize a capstone proposal for review by Curriculum Area Team (CAT) Leaders and the Student and Academic Life Leadership Team (SAL-LT).  

Curricular Initiatives:  

The following are not formally NAD governance groups. They are included here to signal that faculty groups may come together to develop these curricular components of NAD this year, in the form of curriculum and path planning.  

Psychology Path* 
(design and development, with fall 21 initial pilot, possibly with additional adjunct faculty lines)  

Goal: Develop a path of study in psychology that includes multicultural perspectives to prepare students for human services careers (teaching, psychiatry, human resource professionals, etc) and graduate school in psychology.  The path of study should aim to integrate full- and part-time pathways to degree and include hybrid-online or low residency options.  Collaborate with faculty, CAT leaders, and NAD leadership to craft a proposal for a psychology Path of Study at Evergreen during winter and spring quarter 2021.  

Climate Action and Sustainability 
(design/development and planning, with fall 2022 initial pilot)  

Goal: Create a climate action and sustainability sequence of courses and programs visible in the 2022/2023 curriculum connecting to the path curriculum as outlined in the summer 2020 proposal.  Develop a plan to approach funding sources to fund the proposed Climate Action and Sustainability Center. Adapt the proposal to incorporate feedback from the faculty retreat to incorporate climate science more explicitly as a main thread, appealing to a broader spectrum of students. Consider developing a certificate proposal through the certificate process, and design ways to provide low residency and part-time options that will be accessible to adult students and working professionals with some college and no degree. 

Interdisciplinary Art and Design 
(design/development and planning, with fall 2022 initial pilot) 

Goal: Design an Interdisciplinary Art and Design curriculum for 2022/2023 that integrates design, visual arts, media arts/studies, and computer science. Consider adding technology more explicitly as a main thread of the proposed curriculum, reflecting market analysis that this is an area of high student interest.  Develop a plan to find and approach funding sources to fund the proposed Center for Interdisciplinary Art and Design (and Technology?). Consider developing a certificate proposal through the certificate process, and design ways to provide low residency and part-time options that will be accessible to adult students and working professionals with some college and no degree. 

David McAvity | he-him | Interim Provost and Vice President for Student & Academic Life | The Evergreen State College | 360.867.6400

NAD Project Summer Update

Presented at the Academic Retreat Thursday, September 17, 2020

Part I NAD Project Overview

Presentation: NAD Update for 2020 Fall Academic Retreat 
Updates & Feedback: Update for 2020 Fall Academic Retreat
Project Criteria: Design Criteria

  1. Introduction (recording)
  2. Implementation & Feasibility (recording)
  3. Capstone (workgroup report | recording)
  4. Certificates (handout | proposal | recording)
  5. Holistic Advising (proposal | recording)
  6. Curriculum: Climate Justice (proposal | recording)
  7. Curriculum: Interdisciplinary Arts and Design (proposal | recording)
  8. Curriculum: Psychology (presentation | proposal | recording)
  9. Workforce Development (handout | proposal | recording)
  10. Transcripts (summer institute transcript | recording)

Part II Schools Model Feedback

Leave Feedback: NAD Schools Prototypes: 2020 Fall Academic Retreat Feedback
Schools Design Criteria
Handouts: click links below to download

Video: All Campus Review of Proposed Schools Models–Thursday, September 3rd, 2 p.m.

On Thursday, September 3rd, the New Academic Directions School Development team shared prototype models with the Evergreen community.  The recording of the session is available here. Send freedback to

Design Criteria

Here are the design criteria that each team responded to:

Presentation Video

Prototype Models

INTERDIVISIONAL “COLOR SCHOOLS” PROTOTYPE.  Schools Development Team #1: Kristina Ackley, Krishna Chowdary, Savvina Chowdhury, Stacey Davis, Zoltán Grossman:  

THREE SCHOOLS MODEL:  Dawn Barron and Coral Garey: . 

GRADUATE SCHOOL TEAM MODEL.Grad School Team model: John Withey, Mike Craw and Sue Feldman:

RECAST | Update on the New Academic Directions initiative

From: Geri, Laurance <>
Date: Monday, August 17, 2020 at 9:30 AM
To: All Staff & Faculty DL <>

Dear Evergreen Community,  

This certainly has been a busy summer as we all adjust our approaches to working and living with physical distance. We’ve been participating in dynamic and enriching summer institutes that remind us of the brilliance of our colleagues and the resilience of our community. Is it just us or does time seem different in 2020?  Surely June was at least six months ago.   

As a newly formed Leadership team (Amy, Larry, & JuliA), we have been busy stewarding the “start-up” phase of the New Academic Directions initiative (aka Big Bets).  Over the last month the work of the initiative has focus on refining the conceptual designs for curriculum proposals with an eye toward implementation planning.  We are excited by the progress the various teams have been making and deeply appreciative for the creativity and tenacity of the Evergreen community.  We also know many of you are eager for news of the project.    

This message is one of many regular campus updates from the project leadership team to keep our community apprised of progress over the summer. As always, we invite you to connect directly with us for additional information on the project.  

Who is doing this work…  

One persistent question we’ve been fielding is Who is doing what?  We are working to make the answer to this question more transparent by posting the membership of all the groups and structure of the project at   

What’s happened…  

Curriculum Proposals: Proposals for new curriculum in the areas of Interdisciplinary Arts &Design, Climate Justice, Psychology, and Workforce Development have been completed and continue to be under review by the Feasibility Team.  Alumni feedback for these proposals was gathered through several focus groups and the teams used this feedback to refine their ideas. (Sidenote: Our alumni are amazingly talented by the way – attending those focus groups was inspiring and heart-opening!).    

Work underway…  

Over the last month, we’ve added many new people to the project to build out elements of the plan.  In particular we appreciate the contributions of the staff who joined a variety of teams following their participation in summer institutes. We are buoyed by the engagement of staff and faculty in this work – especially given the many demands we all have on our time.  If you are interested in joining any of these efforts, please reach out!  

  • Capstones: Stacey Davis and Steven Hendricks have launched a faculty team to develop guidelines and implementation strategy for capstones.  
  • Certificates: A new team led by Amy Betz and Sue Feldman is investigating a strategy for developing and sustaining a variety of exciting certificates.  
  • Wrap-around advising: Andy Corn, Cholee Gladney, and Therese Saliba have been leading a dynamic team to develop a proposal for holistic supports that center student success.  
  • Transcripts: Karen Gaul, Lori Klatt, and JuliA Metzker convened a fruitful summer institute to begin thinking about how the transcript could be restructured to support student success.  
  • Schools: A team lead by Trevor Speller and Larry Geri is developing design criteria to support model development for undergraduate and graduate schools.  This week we held two focus groups with faculty, staff and students on those design criteria.  A set of subteams will begin crafting possible schools models the week of August 17th.   

Feasibility and Implementation: Members of the Feasibility and Implementation Team have reviewed the four submitted curriculum proposals and are in the process of providing feedback to the various curriculum teams.    

On the Horizon: Initial Project Report to the Steering Committee  

A project report is currently being drafted to share with the Steering Committee.  Our goal is to have a draft version ready by Wednesday, August 19th and will be available at the Big Bets website (  This document will provide an initial summary of the many elements of the project.  Subsequent versions will include an assessment of the costs, enrollment impacts and options for implementation of the proposed curriculum, plus details on the remaining elements of the project as we receive recommendations and reports from those project teams.   

Best wishes,  
New Academic Directions Project Lead Team:  

Amy Betz 
Larry Geri 
JuliA Metzker  

Update on New Directions for Evergreen

From: Geri, Laurance <>
Date: Monday, July 13, 2020 at 4:44 PM
To: All Staff & Faculty DL <>

Dear Evergreen Community,

It has been a busy launch into summer for the New Academic Directions initiative (aka Big Bets) as we continue to refine the conceptual plan and turn our collective attention towards implementation planning.  This message is the beginning of regular campus updates from the leadership team to keep our community apprised of progress over the summer.

A new leadership structure

Moving forward, the project will be stewarded by a “nesting dolls” leadership structure described by the three groups listed below. Membership for these teams is available at Emily Gray will continue to provide project support.

  • Interdivisional Steering Committee provides high-level oversight to the project. 
  • Project Oversight Group monitors the status of the project on a weekly basis and provide  guidance on any challenges that may arise.
  • Project Lead Team directs the work on a day-to-day basis.

In addition to these oversight teams, we are building a cohort of “expert consultants” to provide guidance and support in certificate design, capstone development, educating adult learners, and attending to racial equity.  If you have any interest in joining this cohort, please send an email to

Work underway

After kicking-off the summer at the “Big Bets” Summer Institute on June 18-19*, teams immediately began fleshing out the details from the proposal framework approved by the faculty on June 3rd.   These teams have already made good progress and are on track to submit their proposals for feasibility analysis on July 22nd.

Work is currently underway to design curriculum in the high-priority areas of Interdisciplinary Art and Design, Climate Justice, Human Health and Wellness, and Workforce Development. These design teams are developing exciting proposals, which they will soon present to alumni and students for focused feedback.

A team led by Therese Saliba, Andy Corn, and Cholee Gladney recently began working with an external coach through the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education to develop “wraparound” (or holistic) advising structures designed to support student success.

The team tasked with building models for an undergraduate college with Interdisciplinary Schools is being led by Trevor Speller and Larry Geri with the support of a group of faculty and staff. The Evergreen community will have an opportunity to review and evaluate prototype models during two all-campus town-hall sessions tentatively scheduled for August 5th and 20th. The model development will be completed in early September, with the initial models to be shared at the faculty retreat on September 17th followed by a faculty vote early in Fall quarter.   A subgroup of the team will also develop a proposed model for the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.

On the horizon

Teams will convene soon to prepare criteria for certificate programs, and capstones.  Additionally, Path Conveners have been tasked with starting conversations among faculty to consider how certificates and capstones might integrate into their curricular structures.  

A Feasibility and Implementation Team will soon be charged with the task of strengthening each draft proposal by assessing costs, implementation needs and impact on enrollment, while also performing a holistic analysis of the resource requirements and potential impacts of the overall model. 

As you can see, this is a complex process with many interlocking pieces.  This project is currently on schedule to be submitted to the college’s strategic planning and budgeting teams in mid-August.  This progress would not be possible without the labor of many talented, invested, and tired individuals.  We owe our community an enormous amount of gratitude for this investment. Thank you doesn’t seem sufficient, but it is a start.  So, THANK YOU! 

We want to thank the many faculty and staff who are supporting this effort and will keep you updated on our progress.

Best wishes—

New Academic Directions Project Lead Team:

Amy Betz
Larry Geri
JuliA Metzker

*Recordings and notes from the “Big Bets” Summer Institute on June 18-19 are available on Canvas at this link:

Larry Geri, DPA
Curriculum Dean, The Evergreen State College